Greatest, Least, or Equal?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this activity, students will practice comparing three-digit numbers by playing a game. The students will work with a partner to draw three cards, arrange the cards to make the largest number, and then decide which student has the largest number. This learning activity will help the students understand place values and the words "equal to", "less than", or "greater than."


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and < and orally with the words “is greater than,” “is equal to,” and “is less than.”



  • Equalities
  • Inequalities


Students know:
  • how to compare 3-digit numbers using the terminology "greater than," "equal to," and "less than".


Students are able to:
  • compare 3-digit numbers using place value concepts.
  • justify their reasoning as they compare numbers.


Students understand that:
  • the three digits of a 3-digit number represent groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Learning Objectives

I can compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, tens, and one's digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and < and orally with the words "is greater than," "is equal to," and "is less than."

Activity Details

  • The teacher will distribute a recording sheet and digit cards to each set of partnered students. (These items are on the slideshow.)
  • The students will listen as the teacher displays the directions and explains how to play the game.
  • The teacher and students may play a few rounds together for practice if needed for review or to model expectations.
  • The game directions are listed below and on the Greatest, Least, or Equal? document:
  1. Player one will draw three of the digit cards and arrange them to make the largest number. They will record this number under player one, and round one on the recording sheet.
  2. Player two will draw three of the digit cards and arrange them to make the largest number. They will record this number under player two, and round two on the recording sheet.
  3. Players will compare the two numbers. The player with the largest number will circle their number. That player wins that round.
  4. If players build numbers that are equal, neither player will get a point.
  5. Players will continue to play ten rounds. The winner is the player with the most circled numbers.
  6. The teacher will circulate around the room while the students are playing the game.
  • When the players have played all 10 rounds of making and deciding who has the biggest number, the teacher will bring the class back to the whole group so that they can add the <, >, or = signs as a class.

Assessment Strategies

  • The teacher will observe students' responses to determine students' understanding of the concept and skill.
  • The following guidelines can be used to ensure students meet the learning objective.
  • Check that the student:
  1. can correctly arrange the digit cards to create the largest number.
  2. can correctly determine which number is greatest.

Variation Tips

This activity can be used with a small group for remediation or in math centers.

Background / Preparation

  • The teacher will need to copy the recording sheet and digit cards for the class. These items can be found in the document Greatest, Least, or Equal?
  • The teacher will need to cut apart the digit cards before the lesson.
  •  A computer and projector will be needed to display the game directions.

Learning Activity (Before)

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)