What Tool Do I Use?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this activity, students will determine the appropriate tools to measure objects outside, and then determine other tools that could be used to measure the objects. The students will use rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or a measuring tape to measure items. Students will record their measurements in their science journals.

This learning activity was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) Resource Development Project, in partnership with Dothan City Schools.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Measure the length of an object by selecting and using standard units of measurement shown on rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes.



  • Standard units of measurement


Students know:
  • standard units of length measure (inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters) and the related tools.


Students are able to:
  • measure length in standard units (inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters).
  • choose and accurately use appropriate measurement tools and units of measure.


Students understand that:
  • without overlaps or gaps.
  • the length of the object is expressed as the number of unit lengths needed to cover the same distance.

Learning Objectives

The students will be able to use the appropriate measuring tool to measure items outside.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will review the key vocabulary needed to complete the learning objective: feet, inches, yards, meters, ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and tape measure
  2. The teacher will show a YouTube learning video “Let’s Measure, Choose Your Tools.”
  3. The teacher will assign students to cooperative learning groups of no more than four students. Each student will have a job responsibility:
  • The material leader will gather all the materials needed to complete the investigation. This person could be your at-risk student. 
  • The note taker will be the person who writes in the journal and makes notations on what they see. This person should be a strong writer. 
  • The instruction reader will ensure that everyone stays on task and follows the directions correctly. This person should be a strong reader.
  • The application leader will need to be good with their hands. This person may also be the group leader. 
  1. The teacher will model how to use the math tools outside. 

5. In their cooperative learning groups, students will select an object to measure in the outside area. Students will select the appropriate measurement tool to measure the selected object. 

6. The students will record their findings in their math journals. The students will draw the object they measured, write the measurement tool they used, and the correct measurement of the object.

7. The teacher will observe the students in their groups using a running record. 

8. After all groups have finished measuring their selected objects, the teacher will lead a class discussion. Each group will share which measurement tool they selected to measure each object. If there were differences in measurement tool selection between each group, the teacher will lead a discussion and demonstration of measurement

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will monitor students measuring items outside. The teacher will assist and redirect instruction when needed. 

The teacher will review each student’s math journal to determine if each student was able to select an appropriate measurement tool and accurately measure the selected object. The teacher will also evaluate student understanding during the class discussion.


The teacher can challenge students by giving them items to measure and having them estimate the length and measure the correct length. 

Students who have mastered the skills can expand their thinking by identifying other items that could be measured on school property using these tools and any other tools that could be used.


At-risk students will be given specific items to measure and specific tools to measure those items with.

Background / Preparation

The students should have had previous experience in measuring objects with standard units of measurement shown on rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes. The provided YouTube video will provide a review of these skills. The students will also know the rules and procedures for being outside in the designated workspace. 

The teacher will need to divide students into four groups and assign each student a team role (see procedures).

Total Duration

46 to 60 Minutes

Materials and Resources

  • Technology to play the YouTube video
  • Math journal

Each group needs the following:

  • Ruler
  • Yardstick
  • Meter stick
  • Measuring tape
  • Outside objects to measure: 
    • Plants
    • Playground equipment such as slides, the length of swing seat, benches, etc.