Based on My Properties, How Can You Use Me?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





Students will work in collaborative groups to collect and evaluate data on different household materials based on their physical properties, such as strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, and absorbency. After students identify the physical properties of each material, they will identify potential appropriate uses for the material. Students will record their scientific findings and share them with their classmates.

This learning activity was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) Resource Development Project, in partnership with Dothan City Schools.


Science (2015) Grade(s): 2


Collect and evaluate data to determine appropriate uses of materials based on their properties (e.g., strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, absorbency).*



  • Evaluate
  • Data
  • Graphs
  • Properties
  • Purpose
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Hardness
  • Texture
  • Absorbency
  • Collect
  • Appropriate


Students know:
  • Properties of materials (e.g., strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, absorbency) Different uses for the materials.
  • The relationship between properties of materials and some potential uses (metal is strong, paper is absorbent, etc.).


Students are able to:
  • Conduct simple tests to collect and display data about the physical properties of various materials.
  • Analyze data to identify and describe relationships between properties and their potential uses.


Students understand that:
  • Simple tests can be designed to gather evidence about the relationship between properties of materials and their intended uses.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Crosscutting Concepts

Cause and Effect

Learning Objectives

The students will be able to determine the appropriate uses of different materials based on their properties such as strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, and absorbency.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will review the key vocabulary needed to complete the learning objective: properties of matter, strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, and absorbency. 
  2. The teacher will show a YouTube learning video “Materials and Their Properties”.
  3. The teacher will assign students to cooperative learning groups of no more than four students. Each student will have a job responsibility:
  • The material leader will gather all the materials needed to complete the investigation. This person could be your at-risk student. 
  • The note taker will be the person who writes in the journal and makes notations on what they see. This person should be a strong writer. 
  • The instruction reader will make sure that everyone stays on task and follows the directions correctly. This person should be a strong reader.
  • The application leader will need to be good with their hands. This person may also be the group leader. 
  1. The teacher will model how to use the science materials properly. 
  2. In their cooperative learning groups, students will work together to determine the appropriate uses of their assigned materials based on their properties. Each group will explore their assigned material and describe its strength, flexibility, hardness, texture, and absorbency. 
  • Group 1- Paper Towels 
  • Group 2-Trash bags
  • Group 3-Plastic sandwich bags
  • Group 4-Aluminum Foil

The teacher will observe the students in their groups using a running record. 

  1. After identifying the physical properties of the materials, the group will work together to brainstorm at least three possible uses of their material. The students will record their findings in their science journals. 
  2. Each group will present what they have concluded as the appropriate uses for their specific material and the physical properties that led them to draw this conclusion.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will observe students in their groups as they are determining the appropriate uses of their material. 

The teacher will be challenging students along the way to give them uses that may or may not be appropriate for the material. 

The teacher will review each student’s science journal to determine if the student was able to accurately identify the properties of the item and list at least three appropriate uses of the material.

There will be a final class presentation from each group about their findings.


Students who have mastered the skills can expand their thinking by determining any other materials and the appropriate uses for those materials.


At-risk students can complete a graphic organizer to show mastery of the skills or receive a sentence starter to assist with the short entry in their science journals.

Background / Preparation

Students should know the appropriate procedures to conduct an experiment in small groups. 

The teacher needs to divide students into four groups and assign each student a team role (see activity procedures).

Total Duration

46 to 60 Minutes

Materials and Resources

  • Materials to test (1 material per group):
  1. Paper towels 
  2. Trash bags
  3. Plastic sandwich bags
  4. Aluminum foil
  • Science journal or another notetaking method
  • Access to linked YouTube video and method to play video for the class (interactive whiteboard or computer/projector)