Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

#Advanced Phonemic Awareness (After)

Subject Area

English Language Arts




The purpose of this “After” activity is to assess students' ability to manipulate phonemes through an activity called chaining. This activity supports students in building their articulation and distinguishing between the initial, medial, and final sounds in words. Chaining allows students to warm up their brains and practice hearing, seeing, and moving letters around to recognize patterns and repetition in language that will support their phonological and phonemic awareness. Using this as an assessment tool is a great way to identify students that have not fully mastered substitutions, deletions, and additions.  

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Demonstrate advanced phonemic awareness skills in spoken words.

    Unpacked Content



    • Demonstrate
    • Advanced phonemic awareness skills
    • Spoken words


    Students know:
    • Phonemic awareness is the ability to identify and manipulate the phonemes (sounds) in spoken words.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify individual phonemes in words and manipulate those sounds.


    Students understand that:
    • Words are made up of one or more phonemes.
    • They can demonstrate advanced phonemic awareness skills by manipulating those phonemes through additions, deletions, reversals, and substitutions of phonemes.
    • Advanced phonemic awareness skills will help them improve their reading, spelling, and writing.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to apply phoneme chaining that changes only one sound at a time to show addition, deletion, substitution, and resequencing from one word to the next. 

    Activity Details

    This activity provides a method to check for each student's understanding of phoneme chaining, therefore, this activity is best completed with each student individually.

    The teacher should print out a copy of the digital tool. Place counters in front of the child. Touch each counter in turn saying the sounds of the first word. Ask the child to blend the word. Then move one counter and replace it with a new counter while telling the child the new sound. Ask them to blend the new word. Repeat for each word on the list. Digraphs such as ‘QU’, ‘SH’, ‘CH’, ‘TH’, and ‘NG’ are treated as sounds, not letters.

    The teacher will move down the list of words in numerical order. The teacher can complete all 25 words, or stop after a particular number.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher should evaluate student mastery of the standard while completing the phoneme chaining activity mentioned above. If desired, the teacher can use this second list of words to assess student understanding.


    Ask gifted students to make lists of words with four or five letters and replace the initial, medial, and final sounds. Additionally, they can study the morphology of those words to understand how some letters and sounds work when you change the endings and some do not. 


    The teacher should identify the specific phonemic awareness skill the student is struggling with (addition, deleting, substitution, or resequencing) and model the skill in isolation (rather than in a word chain). For example, if a student is struggling with substituting the vowel sound in the middle of the word (i.e. top to tap) the teacher should model this skill with other words (i.e. bat to bot, hot to hat, hot to hit, etc.).

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    0 to 15 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Learning Activity (Before)

    Learning Activity (During)

    Learning Activity (After)

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need to print the document with the word lists. The teacher will need to secure counters (in different colors, if desired) for the activity.

    If review is needed, the students will practice their phonemic awareness using this slideshow, Advanced Phonemic Awareness Skills, or this document, Phonemic Awareness Sound Chaining Procedures.

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    List of Words for Chaining (Teacher needs a printed or digital copy)

    Colored manipulatives for each student

    Digital Tools / Resources