Graphing on the Coordinate Plane

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this learning activity, students will watch a video Graphing on the Coordinate Plane from Simplify the Middle. Students will learn how to graph points as well as how to identify a point that has already been graphed. After watching the video, students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 6


Find the position of pairs of integers and other rational numbers on the coordinate plane.



  • Coordinate plane
  • Quadrants
  • Coordinate values
  • ordered pairs
  • x axis
  • y axis
  • Reflection


Students know:
  • Strategies for creating coordinate graphs.
  • Strategies for finding vertical and horizontal distance on coordinate graphs.


Students are able to:
  • Graph points corresponding to ordered pairs,
  • Represent real-world and mathematical problems on a coordinate plane.
  • Interpret coordinate values of points in the context of real-world/mathematical situations.
  • Determine lengths of line segments on a coordinate plane when the line segment joins points with the same first coordinate (vertical distance) or the same second coordinate (horizontal distance).


Students understand that:
  • A graph can be used to illustrate mathematical situations and relationships. These representations help in conceptualizing ideas and in solving problems,
  • Distances on lines parallel to the axes on a coordinate plane are the same as the related distance on the axis (number line).

Learning Objectives

The students will be able to find the position of pairs of integers and other rational numbers on the coordinate plane. 

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will show the Graphing on the Coordinate Plane video. 
  2. After watching the video, the teacher will pass out the Exit Ticket-Graphing/Coordinate Plane.
  3. The students will complete the exit ticket. On the exit ticket, the students are given two ordered pairs and are asked to find the missing ordered pair that will complete a right triangle. After the students find the ordered pair, they are asked to explain how they found their answer. 
  4. The teacher will collect the exit tickets and use them as an assessment tool.

Assessment Strategies

The students will be assessed using the Exit Ticket-Graphing/Coordinate Plane

Variation Tips

Exit tickets can be completed with partners so that struggling students can be partnered with a stronger peer when completing the exit ticket. 

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to preview the video Graphing on the Coordinate Plane to ensure it isn't blocked by school security.

The teacher will need to download the free Exit Ticket-Graphing/Coordinate Plane from Teachers-Pay-Teachers and make copies (There are 4 tickets per page.)