Explanatory Writing: Building Background Knowledge

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




Through discussion with their peers and prompting from their teacher, students will brainstorm the key elements of an explanatory text. The purpose of this activity is to build background knowledge on explanatory writing. 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Compose both short and extended narrative, informative/explanatory, and argumentative writings that are clear and coherent, use an appropriate command of language, and demonstrate development, organization, style, and tone that are relevant to task, purpose, and audience.



  • Short writings
  • Extended writings
  • Narrative writing
  • Argumentative writing
  • Informative/explanatory writing
  • Writing development
  • Writing organization
  • Style
  • Tone
  • Task
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Command of language


Students know:
  • Writing pieces can be short, such as a paragraph, or extended, such as constructed responses and essays.
  • A narrative is a piece of writing that tells a story.
  • The purpose of argumentative writing is to convince the reader to take action or adopt a particular position.
  • Informative or explanatory text is a piece of writing that provides factual information that was gathered from multiple research sources.
  • The development, organization, style, and tone of writing will change depending on the writing task, the purpose of the writing, and the intended audience.
  • Formal academic writing should demonstrate an appropriate command of language.


Students are able to:
  • Compose short and extended clear, coherent narrative, argument, and informative/explanatory writings.
  • Identify the writing task, the purpose of writing, and the intended audience in order to appropriately adapt the development, organization, style, and tone of the writing.
  • Demonstrate command of the written language.


Students understand that:
  • There are different genres of writing that serve various purposes.
  • The writing task, purpose, and audience should be considered in the development, organization, style, and tone of the writing.
  • Formal academic writing should display their command of the English language.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to list the main components of an explanatory essay such as specific details, organization, and transitions.

Students will be able to explain the main components of an explanatory essay.

Activity Details

1. The teacher will introduce the topic of the ABC Brainstorm to the students. Example: "Today we will be learning about explanatory writing. The purpose of an explanatory text is to inform or explain something. Examples of explanatory texts include how-to guides, newspaper or magazine articles, police reports, and field guides."

2. The teacher will share the ABC Brainstorm Resource with the students. The link will force students to make a copy of the resource. 

3. The teacher will instruct students to complete the graphic individually. The teacher will give students a few minutes to complete as much of the graphic as they can. Students will have the opportunity to work with a partner to complete any sections they were not able to do on their own. The teacher should use the following language prompt: "Think of as many words as you can that are associated with the main components or parts of an explanatory text. Type the words next to the appropriate letter in the ABC Brainstorming Resource. We will do one together. Find the letter 'D' on the first slide. Place your cursor on the 'D'. Click the letter once to type your word. Type the word 'Details' by typing the letters 'etails' next to the letter 'D'." Explanatory texts must include specific details to communicate a message effectively.

4. After a few minutes, allow students to work with their partners to complete the graphic. 

5. Once students have completed their graphic, encourage them to share their work with the whole group. This can be done by projecting the completed student work of reading their words out loud.

6. After students share, the teacher should identify the following main components of an explanatory text: 

  • Introduction
  • Details
  • Organization
  • Formating
  • Graphics
  • Vocabulary
  • Transitions
  • Formal Style
  • Tone
  • Conclusion
  • Grammar

7. The teacher will ask students to bold, underline, or highlight any of the main components they already have. The teacher will instruct the students to add any of the main components they are missing. The ABC Brainstorm Resource has a place for additional words on the last slide of the slide deck. Students may choose to replace their original words with the main components instead. 

8. The students will work with their partners to provide an explanation, elaboration, definition, or example of each of the main components. The students should type their elaboration underneath the appropriate term in the resource. The teacher will give students about ten minutes to work on this part of the task. 

9. The teacher will randomly call on students to share their elaborations. As the students share, the teacher should clarify misconceptions and encourage collaborative discussion.

10. Finally, students should share their resources with the teacher by either sharing their copy of the resource or uploading the resource to the teacher's digital classroom. 

Assessment Strategies

The teacher should use the ABC Brainstorming Rubric to score the student's completed work. The rubric will assess the student's ability to list and explain the main elements of an explanatory text.

Variation Tips

The ABC Brainstorm resource can be printed and used when technology is not available. 

Printing the resource may help support students with disabilities. 

The resources can be modified to focus on specific concepts or letters to scaffold and support. 

The teacher may choose to use anchor charts or pair the graphic with videos and other resources that explain the explanatory writing process. 

Background / Preparation

The students will need access to the ABC Brainstorming Resource.

The teacher will need to determine how and where students will submit their work. The teacher may allow students to upload their work in a digital classroom or students may share their work directly with the teacher.

A visual timer would be a helpful tool to maintain the instructional flow. 

The teacher will need to monitor students during collaboration to make certain students are on task and to facilitate lagging discussion. 

Total Duration

31 to 45 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)