Looks Like We Can Count to 120

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





This learning activity will review and assess the students' understanding of counting on or counting back to find a missing number. The students will use strategies learned to count, find missing numbers, extend number sequences, and write numbers.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 1


Extend the number sequence from 0 to 120.



  • Number
  • Numeral


Students know:
  • number/numeral correspondence (from 0-120).
  • Strategies for counting sets of objects.
  • how to read numbrs from 0 - 120.
  • how to write numbers from 0 - 120.


Students are able to:
  • strategically apply counting strategies.
  • Write numerals 0-20.


Students understand that:
  • there are patterns in our base ten number system.
  • quantities can be represented both physically and symbolically (numerals).
Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 1


Relate counting to addition and subtraction.



  • Number paths


Students know:
  • how to count on or count back from a given number within 20.


Students are able to:
  • Explain counting strategies for addition and subtraction.


Students understand that:
  • counting patterns can be used to find solutions in addition and subtraction situations.
  • A variety of models and tools can be used to communicate justifications for mathematical ideas and solutions.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • identify, read, write, and sequence numbers to 100 and beyond.
  • identify and to use patterns in the number sequence and on the 100 chart.
  • relate counting to addition and subtraction by counting on.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will tape several counting strips (adding machine tape) on the board with different starting numbers and different sequences.  
  2. The students will complete the sequence on the number strips or find the missing numbers on the number strips.
  3. The teacher will check as they work.
  4. The students and teacher will discuss and review the strips before assessing.
  5. The students will complete the assessment. 
  6. The teacher will evaluate and discuss with students errors made.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will assess using: 

  • observations of students working on the given number strips.
  • the student's written responses on the assessment

The teacher will determine student progress by asking these questions:

  • How high can students accurately count?
  • How high can the students accurately write the numbers?
  • Can students accurately sequence numbers?
  • What errors do you notice? (transitions, reversals, or struggle with numbers over 50)

Variation Tips

  • Some students may need the use of the 100 chart to complete "number strips".
  • Some students may need a lower set of numbers to work with during the activity.
  • Be sure to correct errors for students so that they can self-correct.

Background / Preparation

  • Prepare the "number strips' for each student.
  • Tape the "number strips" to the board.
  • Prepare one copy of the assessment for each student.