Comparing Fractions: Let's Start a War

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





Students will use fraction cards to play a version of the card game “War.” They will compare fractions using models and benchmarks.  The students will have to justify their answers in order to win the match.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators using concrete models, benchmarks (0, $\frac{1}{2}$, 1), common denominators, and/or common numerators, recording the comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justifying the conclusions.



  • Compare
  • Equivalent fraction
  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Benchmark fraction
  • Concrete model
  • Visual model
  • Length model
  • Area model


Students know:
  • Comparing two fractions is only valid if they refer to the same whole.
  • Meaning of comparison symbols,, or = .
  • Fractions can be represented by a variety of visual models (length and area).


Students are able to:
  • Use concrete models, benchmarks, common denominators, and common numerators to compare two fractions and justify their thinking.
  • Explain the comparison of two fractions is valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole.


Students understand that:
  • When comparing fractions they must refer to the same whole.
  • Benchmark fractions can be used to compare fractions.
  • Fractions can be compared by reasoning about their size using part to whole relationship.
  • Fractions can be compared by reasoning about the number of same-sized pieces.
  • Fractions can be compared by reasoning about their size when there are the same number of pieces.
  • Fractions can be compared by reasoning about the number of missing pieces.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators using models and benchmarks.

Activity Details

  • Pair students into groups of two. If you have an odd number of students, a group of three will work.
  • Give each group a set of fraction cards.
  • Explain how to play the game:
    • Shuffle the cards and separate them into two even stacks (or three stacks for a group of three).
    • Each player chooses the top card of their stack and sets it in the middle. The players take turns deciding which card is bigger. The person who set down the biggest card gets to take both cards (or all three).
    • If the cards have equivalent fractions, each player should choose the next card on their stack to set down. The winner of this second match wins all four cards.
    • The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.
  • As students are playing, make sure that they are taking turns deciding which card is the biggest so that everyone is getting practice with comparing fractions. If there is a disagreement, have students justify and/or explain their reasoning.

Assessment Strategies

Monitor and question the students as they are playing to see which strategies they are using to determine the biggest card. You can use a student checklist to keep track of which students are struggling or need enrichment.

Variation Tips

If students need a challenge, they can see who is first to determine the biggest card. Instead of the pair of cards going to the person who set down the biggest card, the person who is quickest gets to claim the pair.

You can change up the deck by using fraction cards without models or including mixed numbers and/or improper fractions.

Background / Preparation

You will need a set of fraction cards for each pair of students. These can be printed in black and white or color. You can cut them out and laminate them ahead of time for repeated play or just print them on copy paper and have the students cut them out for one-time use.