Solving Multistep Word Problems Practice

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





This resource provides teachers with a plethora of multistep word problems that can be used for instruction and small group or independent practice. The teacher can choose the difficulty level of the problems as well as the skills addressed (mathematical operation, one-step, two-step, etc.). 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


Determine and justify solutions for multi-step word problems, including problems where remainders must be interpreted.



  • Operation
  • Multi Step problem
  • Remainder
  • Unknown quantity
  • Equation
  • Rounding
  • Mental strategy
  • Partition
  • Estimation
  • Reasonableness


Students know:
  • Context situations represented by the four operations.
  • How to calculate sums, differences, products, and quotients.
  • Estimation strategies to justify solutions as reasonable.


Students are able to:
  • Solve multi-step word situations using the four operations.
  • Represent quantities and operations physically, pictorially, or symbolically.
  • Write equations to represent the word problem and use symbols to represent unknown quantities.
  • Use context and reasoning to interpret remainders.
  • Use estimation strategies to assess reasonableness of answers by comparing actual answers to estimates.


Students understand that:
  • Using problem solving strategies will help them determine which operation to use to solve a problem.
  • Remainders must be interpreted based on the context, and remainders are sometimes ignored, rounded up, or partitioned.

Learning Objectives

Students will solve multistep word problems with whole numbers by representing these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity.

Activity Details

1. The teacher should choose a category of problems from the digital resource to present to students. (Note: The resources are listed from least to most difficult on the website.)

2. The teacher should use the available word problems on the website to practice this skill with the students. For example, the teacher could read the word problem and have students write the equation on their paper. Then the teacher could write the equation on the board and solve it with the students.

3. After sufficient whole-class practice, the teacher should choose a new set of word problems from the digital resource and divide the students into five groups. Each group will solve one word problem from the set given on the website. (Note: The teacher can click the "Show all questions" button to display all five questions on the board at once.)

4. After being given time to write and solve the equation, each student group should present their work to their classmates. The classmates in the audience should check the presenting group's work and make any revisions if needed. Then, the leader from the presenting group should type the answer into the box and click "Check."

5. If internet-capable digital devices are available for all students, the teacher can allow students to complete a new set of word problems independently on the website.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will review each group's equation and solution for accuracy. If internet-capable digital devices are available for students, the teacher can review each student's completion of the word problems on the website.

Variation Tips

The teacher could integrate art into the learning activity by requiring each student group to illustrate their assigned word problem. 

Students could use internet-capable digital devices to individually complete the practice problems on the website. If devices are not available, the teacher can print the website page and copy for students to complete.

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need internet access and the ability to project a website to an interactive whiteboard. 

The students need paper and pencil to complete the practice problems with the teacher and their group.