Compare and Contrast Fairy Tale Versions

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this whole group activity, students will listen to two versions of a familiar fairy tale. The students will complete a Venn diagram to compare and contrast elements of the two fairy tale versions.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


Compare and contrast important details presented by two texts on the same topic or theme.



  • Compare
  • Contrast
  • Topic
  • Theme


Students know:
  • Compare means tell how things are alike or similar.
  • Contrast means tell how things are different.


Students are able to:
  • Compare and contrast important details after reading two texts that have a common theme or topic.


Students understand that:
  • Texts about the same topic or theme will have similarities and differences.
  • Comparing and contrasting texts with the same topic or theme will improve their overall comprehension of the texts.

Learning Objectives

Students will complete a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two versions of the same fairy tale.

Activity Details

  1. Tell students that in this lesson they will listen to two versions of the same fairy tale and then look for ways the two versions are alike and different.
  2. Pass out blank copy paper to students. Instruct students to use this paper to jot notes and/or draw pictures of story elements as they listen to the story. Remind students that story elements are things like characters, setting, and plot.
  3. Read aloud using the tool The Story of the Three Little Pigs. Pause frequently during the reading to allow time for students to make notes.
  4. After the read aloud is complete, allow time for students to turn and talk about the story elements they jotted. Have students add to their notes after talking with a partner.
  5. Hand out a second blank sheet of copy paper to students. Repeat the activity using the tool The Three Little Pigs Animated Stories for Kids.
  6. Hand out copies of the tool Venn diagram. Use chart markers to draw a Venn diagram on chart paper. Label the Venn diagram with the titles "book" and "video". Use the label “both” for the intersecting portion of the diagram. Explain to students that a Venn diagram is a type of graphic organizer that can help a reader easily see how two things are alike and how they are different. Point out the sections of the Venn diagram and explain that things that relate to only one of the two versions go in the outer circles, while things that are common to both versions go in the intersection.
  7. Allow students to turn and talk about the things they noticed that were alike and different in the two versions of the fairy tale. At this time, students should only be talking. They will write in the next step.
  8. Allow student volunteers to share ideas from their discussions. Chart the student responses in the appropriate spaces on the Venn diagram, and have students complete their Venn diagram from your model.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will access students using observations.  The teacher will drop and listen as students are talking about the similarities and differences they noticed in the two versions of the story. Students should identify the similarities in characters and settings. Students should identify the slight differences in plot events. (In the video, the pigs run away instead of being eaten. In the book, the last pig kills the wolf, but in the video, the wolf runs away. In the book, the last pig outsmarts the wolf several times, but this is omitted in the video version.)

Variation Tips

This activity can be repeated with additional fairy tale versions.

Background / Preparation

  • Make enough copies of the tool Venn diagram for each child.
  • Open the video and ensure it loads and plays correctly.
  • Ensure you have enough plain copy paper for each student. (Students will need 2 sheets each.)

Learning Activity (Before)