History of The United States Flag

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this learning activity, students will learn the history of the United States of America Flag as a national symbol and understand the importance of the United States of America Flag. The students will watch A Brief History of the United States Flag to help identify the American Flag as a national symbol.  Finally, the students will use a 3-2-1 Exit Ticket to ensure they understand the learning activity.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.  


Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 2


Identify national historical figures and celebrations that exemplify fundamental democratic values, including equality, justice, and responsibility for the common good.



  • historic figures (male and female)
  • celebrations
  • exemplify
  • democratic values
  • recognize
  • founding fathers
  • significance
  • national holidays
  • American symbols
  • monuments


Students know:
  • Fundamental democratic values including equality, justice, and responsibility for the common good.
  • The names and significance of national historic figures, both male and female.
  • The significance of national holidays and the relationship of each to democratic values.
  • The history and significance of American symbols and monuments.
  • Vocabulary: democratic values, equality, justice, responsibility, common good, founding father, national holiday, American symbol, monument


Students are able to:
  • Identify national historic figures and celebrations.
  • Identify the ways historic figures and celebrations exemplify fundamental democratic values.
  • Recognize our country's founding fathers and other historic male figures.
  • Recognize historic female figures.
  • Describe national holidays, including the significance of each and the democratic values associated with each.
  • Identify American symbols and monuments and describe the history and significance of each.


Students understand that:
  • There is an importance and impact of national historic figures and celebrations.

Learning Objectives

The student will identify the American Flag as a national historical figure and describe the American Flag as a symbol of American history.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will place the students in cooperative groups.
  2. The teacher will define what a symbol is and the importance of a symbol to the students. 
  3. The teacher will pass out pictures of symbols.
  4. The students will work in their cooperative groups to determine what the symbol represents. (Give them about 30 seconds.)
  5. The teacher will circulate to make sure the students are getting the symbols correct.
  6. The teacher will tell the students they are about to learn about one of the national symbols of the United States ...the United States flag.
  7. The teacher will lead a discussion on what the students know about the American flag.
  8. The teacher will bring the students back to the whole group and tell students the colors chosen for our flag have special meanings.
  9. The teacher will say the white on the flag signifies purity and innocence, the red signifies bravery or valor, and the blue signifies justice. The stars represent each state in our Union.
  10. The teacher will play the video, A Brief History of the United States Flag.
  11. After the video, allow students to share things learned in the video and discuss any questions. 
  12. The students will use the T-Chart with Our Flag Today and Our First Flag to compare and contrast the two flags. (Remind the students that when we compare/contrast we tell how things are alike and different.
  13. The teacher will discuss with students how the American Flag is a symbol of American history.
  14. In closing, the students will participate in a 3-2-1 Exit Ticket. (Three things they learned about the American Flag, 2 things they already knew, and 1 question they still have about the topic. Illustrate the American Flag as well.)

Assessment Strategies

Evaluate the students by teacher observation of participation in groups and T-Chart.

Variation Tips



Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to have the following items ready for students: