Ewwww! Another Direct and Indirect Object Lesson

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this lesson, students will focus on the relationship between the indirect object, which is also the preposition in the sentence, direct object and the verb. A jeopardy template will be used to provide both visual and immediate feedback to the students, as well as reinforce their ability to identify the direct object, verb, and indirect object.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 7


Identify the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing.



  • Conventions
  • Standard English grammar
  • Standard English usage


Students know:
  • The conventions of standard English grammar and usage.


Students are able to:
  • Identify conventions of standard English grammar and usage in texts.


Students understand that:
  • Writing should demonstrate the appropriate use of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.

Learning Objectives

The students will be able to demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking by: 

1. identifying the subject and verb in the sentence.

2. identifying the direct object in the sentence.

3. identifying the relationship between the subject, verb, direct object and how it leads to identifying the indirect object.

Activity Details

Click on the Jeopardylab.com link to begin engaging students in a fun-filled lesson on indirect and direct objects.

The students will be seated in pre-determined groups. The group will choose a question based on the category. The teacher will verbally read the question aloud, allowing a group one to two minute to response time. The teacher will push the space bar to see if the answer given is correct or incorrect. The escape will be pressed to proceed to the next question. Points will be tallied on the board so students can visually see who is leading.

Assessment Strategies

Students will be assessed based on their ability to correctly answer game questions. They are allowed to collaborate as a group or answer individually. Jeopardylab will post the score of the winning team at the end of the game.

Variation Tips

This content can be used to elaborate on compliments of a subject in relation to the direct object. Identifying the indirect object, predicate nominative, action and linking verb, and predicate adjective.

Background / Preparation

The teacher should go to the JeopardyLab link prior to class. If the teacher chooses, she/he can assign the two teams a name other than team 1 and team 2. Below you will find a link to an online timer. 
