1963-Where Would I Be?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Social Studies




This lesson activity focuses on Civil Rights movements in 1963 and should be used as a discussion topic for collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) in English Language Arts. The students will watch the video, PBS-The Children's March, followed by a collaborative discussion with diverse partners in which students will clearly and persuasively express their ideas about the video. This activity involves the use of cell phones, but a lesson variation is available.

This activity was created as a part of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 11 - United States History II


Trace events of the modern Civil Rights Movement from post-World War II to 1970 that resulted in social and economic changes, including the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School, the March on Washington, Freedom Rides, the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, and the Selma-to-Montgomery March. (Alabama) [A.1.c., A.1.d., A.1.f., A.1.i., A.1.j., A.1.k.]



  • desegregation
  • poll taxes
  • civil rights
  • economic impact


Students know:
  • Major events of the African-American Civil Rights Movement from the end of WWII through 1970.
  • The federal government's involvement in the modern Civil Rights Movement.
  • The contributions of individuals to the cause of civil rights for African-Americans.
  • Involvement and contributions of groups in the cause of civil rights for Africa Amiercans.
  • Differences among philosophies of the various organizations who were working for civil rights.
  • The lasting impact of the modern Civil Rights Movement.


Students are able to:
  • Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media.
  • Evaluate an author's premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with other information related to historical events.
  • Read and comprehend historical texts independently and proficiently on various topics related to hitorical events.


Students understand that:
  • There were differing approaches to achieving equal rights for African Americans in the United States, the government's involvement in the movement, and impact of these efforts to achieve civil rights.

Learning Objectives

Students will initiate and participate effectively in collaborative discussions (one-to-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners to express their own ideas clearly and persuasively regarding the events of the modern Civil Rights Movement. 

Activity Details

The students will watch the video, PBS-The Children's March, in order to build on others' ideas so that they can express their own ideas clearly and persuasively. In order for this Learning Activity to be successful, there should not be ANY prior discussion of the contents of the PBS-The Children's March video. 

  • Preparation for the class should merely be an introduction that asks that the students be attentive and listen carefully. 
  • Show the PBS-The Children's March video to the class. (Do not stop the video for discussion while the video is playing.)
  • After the video has been completed, the students should initiate and participate effectively in collaborative discussions with diverse partners about the events in the video. 
  • Sample question: Do you think it was a good idea to involve the children in the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Next, the teacher should lead a whole group discussion about the events in the video so that the students will be able to express their own ideas clearly and persuasively.
  • Finally, the students should take out their phones and call or text their parents or any adult relative to present the following scenario and ask the prompted question:

The students will say to the parent or adult relative, "It is 1963 and the children are walking out of the schools in Birmingham to march for Civil Rights. Can I go march with the other students from my school?"

  • Allow the students to propel a discussion of the answers they received from their parents or relative.
  • End the discussion with the students writing a post discussion reflection.

Assessment Strategies

The activity can be assessed using classroom participation or by having the students submit their post-discussion reflection. 

Variation Tips

In situations where mobile devices are not allowed, use the activity as an end of class activity and have students go home to ask their parents the questions. The discussion and reflection can be completed during the next class meeting.

This activity can be used as a cross-curriculum activity in either U.S. History and English Language Arts. 


Background / Preparation

  1. View the video before showing it to the class to be aware of what type of questions may arise.    
  2. Have an interactive whiteboard or a projector to view the video. (Schools with one-to-one programs can give the link to each student and have them watch individually.)
  3. Students will need to be told to bring their cell phones to class.
  4. The students should be grouped diversely while watching the video.