Knowing the In's and Out's of a Direct Object

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this grammar lesson, students will use a graphic organizer/worksheet to determine three concepts: the subject, action verb, and direct object in a sentence

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX  Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 7


Identify the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing.



  • Conventions
  • Standard English grammar
  • Standard English usage


Students know:
  • The conventions of standard English grammar and usage.


Students are able to:
  • Identify conventions of standard English grammar and usage in texts.


Students understand that:
  • Writing should demonstrate the appropriate use of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.

Learning Objectives

Students will demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking by:

1. identifying the subject performing the action in a sentence.

1. identifying the action verb in a sentence.

2.  identifying the receiver of the verb in a sentence (direct object).

Activity Details

The students will complete a printed graphic organizer (see the digital tool for link) as a formative assessment; the worksheet will be used to assess the student's prior knowledge about direct objects. A timer should be used for the questions (allow 15-20 minutes for students to work). After the allowed time, students will exchange paper with one another to assess retained knowledge of subjects, verbs, and direct objects. The teacher will allow a participatory grade session: students are to read the sentences aloud and answer the questions stated in directions (if desired the teacher can write correct sentences on board for visual learners to show the relationship between the direct object and compliments). Instant feedback of errors and grades will be given so sentences can be corrected. 

Assessment Strategies

The graphic organizer, visual assessment, and talk aloud will be used as a formative assessment. Students will be asked to answer the questions on the graphic organizer. Response from the students will reveal comprehension of a subject, verb, and direct object as is used in a sentence.

Variation Tips

This pre-assessment activity can transition into a more in-depth lesson on the complements of a direct object: predicate nominative, action and linking verbs, predicate adjective, and subject complement.

Background / Preparation

The recommended instructional preparation procedure for the activity is to print and copy the graphic organizer. The teacher will need a timer(optional).