A Breakup Declaration to the King of England

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Arts Education
Social Studies




This learning activity should be used at the end of a lesson or unit on the events and issues leading up to the Revolutionary War. The students will watch the satirical video depicting famous colonists issuing a declaration to King George III. The students will discuss the meaning of the video and identify the key players that are depicted in it. 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 5


Determine causes and events leading to the American Revolution, including the French and Indian War, the Stamp Act, the Intolerable Acts, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party.



  • cause
  • effect
  • revolution
  • intolerable


Students know:
  • The effects of the French and Indian War.
  • The Stamp Act enraged the citizens of the colonies and was the origin of the phrase "No Taxation with Representation".
  • The Intolerable Acts were enacted to punish the Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Boston Massacre was a result of conflict between the British soldiers and angry colonists.
  • The Boston Tea Party was the colonists' response to taxes on tea.


Students are able to:
  • Explain why colonies were engaged in the French and Indian War.
  • Describe and evaluate how colonists reacted to the Stamp Act.
  • Describe the effects of the Intolerable Acts.
  • Describe the Boston Massacre and analyze colonists response to the Boston Massacre.
  • Describe the Boston Tea Party and examine the effects of this event.


Students understand that:
  • The causes and effects of events that lead to the American Revolution.

Learning Objectives

I can determine the causes and events leading to the American Revolution.

I can describe how messages are created by components in media arts productions. 

Activity Details

This learning activity should be used at the end of a lesson or unit on the causes and events leading to the American Revolution. This is a satire music video that students will view to identify the key events and causes that led up to the American Revolution that has been previously taught and/or discussed in prior lessons. Ask the students to pay attention to the lyrics and to identify at least one important colonist that is depicted in the video and what he is doing. After watching the video "Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration," discuss the meaning of the lyrics and the colonists that are portrayed throughout the video. Discuss with the students the following questions:

  1. What do they mean by saying that "it's too late to apologize?"
  2. Was there anything that was said or done in the video that you thought was inaccurate?
  3. What are all of the men at the dining table doing?
  4. What rights does the singer suggest are guaranteed? 
  5. If this was your music video, what causes or events would you add to it?

Assessment Strategies

The students' answers during the discussion will determine if the objective was met. 

Background / Preparation

The teacher should pull up the video to ensure that it is not blocked and to prevent any buffering.