Use your body to show musical contrast

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Arts Education




Students will use their body and voice to show a musical contrast between high/low, loud/soft, and same/different. 

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.


Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Music


Explore and achieve awareness of music contrasts in a variety of music selected for performance.



  • Steady beat
  • Long/ Short
  • One and two sounds per beat
  • Silent beat
  • High and low
  • Pitch set: So, Mi
  • Musical alphabet
  • Accompaniment/ no accompaniment
  • Like and unlike phrases
  • Echo
  • Speak, sing, shout, whisper
  • Solo/ Group
  • Unpitched percussion
  • Flute, trumpet, violin, piano
  • Loud/ Soft
  • Fast/ Slow
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette

Essential Questions

EU: Analyzing creators' context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance.
EQ: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

Skills Examples

  • Demonstrate same and different (e.g., fast/slow, loud/soft, high/low and long/short).
  • Demonstrate a steady beat and maintain it while performing.
  • Sing using head voice and appropriate posture.
  • Play a variety of classroom instruments, alone and with others, and demonstrate proper technique.
  • Create a wide variety of vocal and instrumental sounds.
Reading/ Writing
  • Explore connections between sound and its visual representation.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Move to music of various and contrasting styles, composers and cultures.
  • Demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the context and style of music performed.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Learning Objectives

Students are able to explore and achieve awareness of music contrasts using their voice and body to show the difference between high/low, loud/soft, and same/different.

Activity Details

1. Students will listen to samples of music where a person is screaming (loud) and a person is whispering (soft) to show a musical contrast in voice. Then they will hear a sample of a high pitched voice and a low pitch voice. Lastly, they will identify if two sounds are the same or if they are different. 

2. Now that we have heard examples of musical contrast the students will use hand signals to identify the musical contrast. For example, when comparing high or low students will raise their hand for a high sound and for a low sound they will put their hands on the carpet. The teacher will give the students several opportunities to make musical comparisons before the students add body movement to the music.    

3. Students will now use body movement with their voice to show these comparisons. The teacher will ask students to show a high pitch, students will use their voice and their body to show this. (Example: stand up tall and sing la or ti). Then the teacher will ask students to show a low sound with their body and voice. Students may choose to get low to the ground and sing do or re. 


Assessment Strategies

Background / Preparation

Make sure students understand the difference between their speaking voice and their singing voice.