Influential Leaders With Descriptors Activity

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

World Languages


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


This lesson is intended to provide students with an authentic way to use noun-adjective agreement while allowing them to investigate the target language culture. Students will begin by working with a partner or small group to identify the qualities that make a person a leader. Students will then learn how to use a dictionary to look up new words (adjectives/characteristics) of leaders. Ultimately, the students/groups will research leaders from a specified country and identify each leader’s top qualities/characteristics making sure their target language adjectives agree with the person they are describing.

This activity was created as a result of the World Languages Course of Study Resource Development Summit.


World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.



Students know:
  • how to recognize similarities among root words in order to aid comprehension in the target language.
  • that conjugations can effect the formality/tone of the provided information.
  • that word order varies across langauge and may differ from their native language.
  • that some expressions (ex.
  • idiomatic expressions) may not translate literally from language to language.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • use diacritical markings to clarify meaning when writing.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.


Students understand that:
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.
World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Communicate using the target language within the classroom and globally.



Students know:
  • how to appropriately participate in a variety of basic conversations with the target language speakers.
  • how to describe themselves and others to the target language speakers.
  • how to ask and gather basic information through conversations with the target language speakers.
  • how to recognize opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • identify places aoround the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places in the community where the target language is spoken.
  • set own learning goals.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • identify places around the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places in the community where the target language is spoken.
  • recognize their own proficiency level.
  • set own learning goals.


Students understand that:
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.

Learning Objectives

Students can:

  • navigate a target language-English Dictionary (online or physical format).

  • identify appropriate word order and appropriately place descriptive words.

  • list leaders/products in Spanish-speaking countries.

  • identify professions which provide opportunities to use the target language.

Activity Details


  • Students will work individually, with partners, or groups and will discuss characteristics that make a person a leader. Depending on time available, consider having them discuss famous leaders they know, characteristics of leaders, or if all leaders are positive influences.


  • Students will be assigned a specific country to choose from or will be given a specific leader from a target language speaking country.

  • Students will research this leader through an online search engine, such as or by using school resources in the library, looking specifically for their profession/actions in order to determine ten adjectives in the native language that describe the target language person.

  • After discussion, students will learn how to navigate an online dictionary and how to identify and be aware of parts of speech. (*Teacher can consider showing differences between a translator and a dictionary and how a dictionary provides more accurate information*).  

  • Students will then look up each of the ten leader words on or a physical dictionary and find the appropriate translation being careful to select the adjective form of each word.

  • Students will volunteer some of the words they came up with that represent their leader and inform their classmates of the English meaning.  

  • Finally, students will create a short paragraph describing their leader using a variety of sentences structures and connecting words ensuring to use proper word order and appropriate placement of descriptors. At least one sentence should additionally tell what profession the person does.


  • With remaining class time, students will volunteer to discuss their leaders in the target language. Check for noun-adjective agreement throughout.

Assessment Strategies

  • Observe students as they work to see if they are appropriately identifying adjectives in their target language - English dictionary

  • In order to see that the students are using proper word order and appropriately placing adjectives, students will be assessed informally through discussion at the end of class.

  • Summative assessment can be used by incorporating an in-class presentation of the leader in which the student will list descriptions of leaders, describe their profession and discuss leaders of other students.

Variation Tips

If time remains at the end, consider showing pictures of student’s leaders and have them guess which leader is being described based on the descriptions provided by each student/partner/group.

Project Component:  Ultimately students can use this initial introduction to leaders to create a cultural comparison to a leader from their own culture.

  • Students will select the top five target language adjectives to describe this person.

  • Students will select a corresponding leader from their own culture that possesses similar leadership qualities.

  • At home or in class, students will select the one adjective that best represents their two leaders and create a poster featuring this word surrounded by images representing the leaders/target language culture.

Background / Preparation

  • Students should already be familiar with common adjectives in the target language and how they are formed (basic noun-adjective agreement). A quick review at the beginning of class may be necessary.
  • Ensure students have access to English- target language dictionaries or internet access to look up words on