Virtual Hundred Chart Patterns: 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, 1 less

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




This activity is for a virtual hundreds chart puzzle game.  Students can use the puzzle to explore number patterns within 100, finding 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less of a given number. This activity will be best used after students are familiar with a hundreds chart.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 1


Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.



  • device
  • restart


Students know:
  • how to restart a computer or device.


Students are able to:
  • restart a computer or device when a computing issue arises.


Students understand that:
  • often, restarting a device can resolve simple computing or device issues.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 1


Identify an appropriate tool to complete a task when given guidance and support.



  • video
  • audio
  • word processing


Students know:
  • how to determine which tools and applications would be best to complete certain tasks such as word processing, video, audio, presentation, drawing, and/or calculating.


Students are able to:
  • choose an appropriate digital tool to complete a given task.


Students understand that:
  • certain digital tools lend themselves to communicate certain ideas better.
  • the way in which they like to communicate ideas and information may be different than another person.
Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 1


Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number without having to count, and explain the reasoning used.



  • Ten more
  • Ten less


Students know:
  • how to mentally find 10 more or 10 less of a two digit number and explain reasoning.
  • place value vocabulary: tens, ones.


Students are able to:
  • mentally add or subtract 10 from a number in the range from 1
  • 100.
  • Explain their reasoning using place value understanding and patterns.


Students understand that:
  • patterns in the place value system can be used to mentally compute sums and differences.

Learning Objectives

Students will solve problems with 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less as they fill in a virtual hundreds chart.

Students will demonstrate troubleshooting techniques if they come across any problems while filling in the hundreds chart.

Students will identify an appropriate tool to solve the hundreds chart puzzle.

Activity Details

The teacher will remind students that we have many tools that we use in math and sometimes the tools are found online.  The students will access the Interactive Hundreds Chart.  The students will click on the orange color to the right.  The teacher will choose a random number and ask students to click on the number on the hundreds chart.  The teacher will have students find 10 more (blue), 10 less (red), 1 more (yellow) and 1 less (green) and color the square.  To change colors, the students will click on the color to the right before clicking on the number.

The teacher will lead students in a discussion after the activity of different digital tools.  During this discussion, the teacher will ask the students if the digital hundred chart was a good choice for the activity they just completed.  The teacher can follow up by asking students what digital tools they might use for activities such as making a list, writing a story, or telling a friend about a book.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will assess the student’s ability to choose the correct numbers for the chart.  The teacher will observe students as they participate in the class discussion.
The teacher will observe students' problem-solving abilities as they connect to the digital tool.

Variation Tips

The teacher can have students take a screenshot of their work and share it in a digital portfolio.

Background / Preparation

The teacher needs to open the website for students or determine how they would like the students to navigate to the website.  The teacher will need to determine which devices students will use.