Artificial Intelligence: What Is It and Where Is It?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
English Language Arts




In this activity, students will explore Artificial Intelligence, develop their own definitions of what AI is, and share examples with their classmates via 

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 6


Define artificial intelligence and identify examples of artificial intelligence in the community.



  • artificial intelligence


Students know:
  • that artificial intelligence is the use of computer systems to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence and include services such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision
  • making, and translation between languages.


Students are able to:
  • identify examples of artificial intelligence.


Students understand that:
  • while artificial intelligence is designed to aide, it also has negative side effects.

Learning Objectives

Students will define artificial intelligence.

Students will identify examples of artificial intelligence.

Students will read informational texts and construct clear responses to the reading.

Students will publish responses to other classmates using technology.

Activity Details

As an introduction, have students fold a note card in half. Then, instruct them to write their own definition of the term "Artificial Intelligence." Students can share their constructed definitions before moving on.

After students have constructed and shared their definitions, the teacher will direct them to the informational article on

When the students have completed the reading, they will refer back to their note cards, writing a new definition for AI based on their new knowledge. Students can share their new definitions or even share what they changed.

Once the students have their definition of AI, they will be instructed to submit via Padlet examples of AI that they use or have seen used. By the end of this activity, the students will have a whole web page full of examples, hopefully understanding its prevalence in today's society.

Assessment Strategies

-Note cards with pre-reading definition and post-reading definition

-Students responses on Padlet

Variation Tips

-Students could work individually or with a partner depending on the availability of devices, computers, or Chromebooks.

-Students could extend this activity to have a discussion about the importance of Artificial Intelligence.

Background / Preparation

Teachers should read the article beforehand and be familiar with the content.

Teachers will need to create an account on Padlet in order to have a common board for all students to join. Students do not need an account to participate.

Ideally, all students need a device. However, if this is not an option, students could share a device in groups of 2-4.