This is the Book for you! Digital Book Reviews

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Digital Literacy and Computer Science




This activity is for students to create a digital book review.  In their review, they will summarize a book and provide 2 - 3 reasons they recommend the book.  Students will use the Flipgrid platform to create this review.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 1


Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.



  • personal information


Students know:
  • how to use devices responsibly.
  • how to use software responsibly.
  • how to explain internet safety rules.


Students are able to:
  • demonstrate responsible uses of devices such as keeping them clean, correct methods for use guided by an adult.
  • demonstrate responsible uses of software guided by an adult.
  • explain why safety is important when using computing devices and the internet.


Students understand that:
  • they must use and care for equipment carefully.
  • they should use software that an adult has approved.
  • rules are important to follow when using a computer for their safety.
  • English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically for research and writing, both individually and collaboratively.



    • Digital tools
    • Electronic tools
    • Appropriately
    • Safely
    • Ethically
    • Research
    • Individually
    • Collaboratively


    Students know:
    • Digital and electronic tools must be used appropriately, safely, and ethically.
    • Digital and electronic tools can be used for research or for writing tasks.
    • Digital and electronic tools can be independently or with others.


    Students are able to:
    • Engage in safe and ethical behavior when using digital and electronic tools individually and collaboratively.


    Students understand that:
    • Safe behaviors, interactions that keep you out of harm's way, are necessary when using digital and electronic tools.
    • Ethical behavior, interactions that align to one's moral code, are necessary when using digital and electronic tools.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Present information orally using complete sentences and appropriate volume.



    • Present
    • Complete sentences
    • Appropriate volume


    Students know:
    • How to orally present information using appropriate communication skills.


    Students are able to:
    • Speak in complete sentences and use appropriate volume to present information orally.


    Students understand that:
    • To communicate clearly, a speaker should use complete sentences and a voice volume that can be heard by the audience.

    Learning Objectives

    The student will demonstrate appropriate behaviors for communicating in a digital environment.

    The student will describe the book they read using details and expressing ideas and feelings clearly.

    The student will use digital tools to publish writing.

    The student will demonstrate online personal safety.

    Activity Details

    The students will:

    1. The student will read choose a book to recommend to their classmates.  

    2. After reading the book, the student will write a short summary of the book, draw a picture, and write two to three reasons they would recommend the book.

    3. The student will go to  on a compatible device and type in the grid code provided by the teacher.  The student will click the green plus sign and record their video. In their video, they will show the book they recommend and their picture.  They will tell the summary and reasons for recommending the book.  Once they have completed the recording, they will take a selfie.  

    4. The student will be asked to enter their name. They will enter their first name and last initial.  The teacher will remind students of digital safety being the reason for only inputting their last initial.

    5. The student will watch a video of a classmate and give the classmate feedback by leaving a typed or video comment.

    Assessment Strategies

    The student can be evaluated by a rubric.  An example rubric can be found here.  Teachers can copy and edit the rubric to meet their needs.

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will create an account and grid on Flipgrid at  The teacher will need the grid code to provide to students.