Going Places Safely

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




This learning activity allows students to explore exciting places online while emphasizing the importance of following certain rules to remain safe. Students will take a virtual field trip and discuss the safety rules for traveling online and in the real world. Students will learn that being a good digital citizen includes knowing the rules to work safely.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): KG


Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.



  • information
  • devices
  • software


Students know:
  • how to identify responsible uses of devices.
  • how to identify responsible uses of software.
  • how to remember internet safety rules.


Students are able to:
  • identify responsible uses of devices: keeping them clean, correct methods for use.
  • identify responsible uses of software.
  • remember internet safety rules.


Students understand that:
  • they are responsible for using devices carefully to ensure they work and do not get broken.
  • there are correct ways to use software.
  • it is important to follow all rules when working on a computer.
  • they should only work on a computer when an adult is helping them.

Learning Objectives

The students will be able to:

  • identify, demonstrate and apply the safe use of digital devices.
  • identify safety rules for working online.
  • identify safety rules for staying safe in the real world.

Activity Details

Begin the activity by leading a discussion about places the students have visited on a field trip or with their families. Make a list on the board of any safety rules they follow when they take field trips with their class or family.

Show the video:  My Online Neighborhood 

After watching the video, lead a discussion about the things (learn new things, visit places, talk to family and friends, etc.) Jeremiah was able to do using the internet. Discuss the rules that Jeremiah must use when he is online:  (1) Always ask your parent first. (2) Only talk to people you know. (3) Stick to places that are just right for you.

The teacher will communicate to the students that they will take a virtual field trip. Explain the term virtual if students are not familiar with it. As a group, role-play what procedures they might follow if they wanted to visit an online site.

As a group, explore one of the following websites the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) or The San Diego Zoo using a digital projector and guidance from the teacher.

Lead a discussion about what the students saw and how this trip was different from other field trips.

Students will complete the paper activity “Pause and Think Moment” (found on the website) demonstrating something they liked or saw online and reviewing the safety rules.

OPTIONAL - share student work and discuss rules

OPTIONAL - The video and discussion can be completed one day and the virtual field trip can be completed the next day if too lengthy.

Assessment Strategies

Teacher observation of students' discussion, understanding, and feedback of the rules.

Teacher follow-up - questions and discussion.

Paper/pencil Assessment (found on the website)

Background / Preparation

A free teacher account should be created on Common Sense Education to access the complete lesson plan, including the videos and handouts. 

Preview and make sure the video is available.

Check that field trip websites are open and available:

MOMA - https://www.moma.org/interactives/destination/

The San Diego Zoo - http://kids.sandiegozoo.org/

The student worksheet -“Pause and Think Moment”- can be found in the lesson plan on the Common Sense Education website.  Make one copy for each student.