Photo or Painting?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Arts Education




Students will view images of paintings and photographs. They will distinguish between the images by identifying each image as either a photograph or a painting. Students will view a YouTube video that describes how artists use the grid method to create photorealistic artwork. Students will explore the grid method technique using the provided worksheet.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.


Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Visual Arts


Distinguish between images and real objects



  • Art
  • Artwork
  • Collaboratively
  • Collage
  • Cool colors
  • Warm colors
  • Elements of Art
    • Color
    • Line
    • Shape
  • Imaginative play
  • Play
  • Portfolio
  • Primary colors
  • Principles of design
    • Pattern
  • Printmaking

Essential Questions

EU: Visual imagery influences understanding of and responses to the world.
EQ: What is an image? Where and how do we encounter images in our world? How do images influence our views of the world?

Skills Examples

  • Identify art in their community, such as landscaping, etc.
  • Communicate the ideas and stories he/she sees in a work of art.
  • Recognize and point out basic elements of art in their own artwork and that of others.
  • Describe the meaning in the marks they make on paper.
  • Compare a photograph or painting of a vase to a real vase.
  • Explain what they think a piece of artwork means.
  • Listen carefully to the point of views of others and recognize that people have different opinions and responses.
  • Share what they see in a piece of artwork by listing items seen using art vocabulary. Answer questions such as, "What do you see?" or "How does this art make you feel?"
  • Explain why they like or do not like a piece of artwork.
  • Explain why he/she likes or dislikes his/her own artwork.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Learning Objectives

The student will distinguish between images and real objects. Students will view two images side by side and identify which image is a photograph and which image is a painting.

Activity Details

The students will view Photos vs Painting PowerPoint.

The instructor will guide a class discussion as students view the slides.
Slide One: Title
Slide Two: Ask students to compare Frida Kahlo's Photograph and self-portrait surrealist painting.
Slide Three: Ask students to compare Claude Monet's garden bridge photograph to his impressionistic landscape painting.
Slide Four: Ask students to compare Pablo Picasso's photograph of his dog Lump to his minimalist drawing of Lump.
Slide Five: Ask students to compare Andy Warhol's photograph of a soup can to his lithograph print of a soup can.

The instructor will stop to introduce Photorealism.
The instructor could say, "Photorealism is an art movement that depends heavily on photographs. It is very exact and looks extremely realistic. Some photorealistic artwork looks so REAL that it is hard to guess if it's a photo or a painting. Let's see if we can distinguish between these images and real objects."

Slide Six: Coca-Cola Slide (Photograph on the left.)
Slide Seven: Light Bulb (Photograph on the right.)
Slide Eight: Cupcake (Photograph on the right.)

The instructor will share The Grid Method video.

Students will explore the grid method using a provided grid drawing worksheet.

* The instructor may choose to use a different worksheet.

Assessment Strategies

While students are exploring the grid technique, the instructor will use a printed copy of slides 6-8 from the PowerPoint to individually assess each student's ability to distinguish between images and real objects.

Variation Tips

The instructor could add more photographs and photorealistic painting to their PowerPoint.

Background / Preparation

Download Photos vs Painting PowerPoint.
Download and make copies of Ice Cream Grid Drawing Worksheet.