Van Gogh's Bedroom-Part 2: Refine and Revise

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Arts Education




This activity is designed to be presented after Van Gogh's Bedroom-Part 1: Discuss and Create.

In this activity, students will refine their artwork created in the prerequisite activity by examining their actual bedroom. Students will make a list of items they need to add to their artwork to embellish their finished product. Lastly, students will revise their artwork by adding details to enhance the meaning of their artistic expression.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.


Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 3 - Visual Arts


Refine artwork in progress by adding details to enhance emerging meaning.



  • Creativity
  • Criteria
  • Critique
  • Design
  • Media
  • Mixed media
  • Monochromatic
  • Principles of design
    • Rhythm
  • Technology
  • Visual image

Essential Questions

EU: Artists and designers develop excellence through practice and constructive critique, reflecting on, revising, and refining work over time.
EQ: What role does persistence play in revising, refining, and developing work? How do artists grow and become accomplished in art forms? How does collaboratively reflecting on a work help us experience it more completely?

Skills Examples

  • Use a variety of materials to create a three-dimensional mask showing a student's personality.
  • Use torn paper scraps to create rhythm in a landscape.
  • Plan a community/city; then, build a model of it with recyclable materials, such as cardboard, boxes, containers, and tubes.
  • Collaborate with a group to demonstrate how to care for tools used in class (such as paintbrushes).
  • After looking at Vincent van Gogh's painting, Bedroom, create a narrative painting depicting a memory of a student's personal bedroom.
  • Use appropriate visual art vocabulary during the art-making process of two-and-three-dimensional artworks.
  • Collaborate with others to create a work of art that addresses an interdisciplinary theme.
  • Read and explore books like Imagine That by Joyce Raimondo or Dinner at Magritte's by Michael Garland and then create a Surrealistic style artwork.
  • Recognize and identify choices that give meaning to a personal work of art.
  • Create a drawing using monochromatic colors (paint, oil pastels, etc.).
  • Explore individual creativity using a variety of media.
  • Understand what effects different media can have in a work of art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.

Learning Objectives

Students will engage in the refine and revise steps of the art-making process.

Students will refine their artwork created in a previous activity by adding details to enhance the meaning of their artistic expression.

Activity Details

1. After students have finished creating their torn paper artwork depicting their bedroom, the teacher should instruct students to examine their bedroom at home. The teacher should instruct students to create a list of at least three items they need to add to their artwork. 

2. Once students have created their list of what should be added, the teacher should lead a discussion with the whole class by asking probing questions, such as: "What items did you leave out when you first created your artwork?" "Why did you leave those items out at first?" "Why have you chosen to add those items now?"

3. After the class discussion, the teacher should allow students to add additional details to their artwork using any available materials (this time the students are not limited to just using torn paper and glue). 

4. After students have finished their artwork, the teacher can lead a discussion with students about the meaning that was added to their art piece by refining and revising their original work. 

Assessment Strategies

To assess student achievement of the stated learning objectives, the teacher should:

  • listen carefully to student responses during the class discussion to ensure students are engaged in the refining and revising steps of the art-making process.
  • examine each student's finished artwork to determine if the student refined their original art piece by adding a variety of materials to enhance the meaning of their artwork. 

Variation Tips

The teacher may wish to incorporate other activities on Van Gogh using lessons provided by the Van Gogh Museum

Background / Preparation

This activity is designed to be presented after Van Gogh's Bedroom-Part 1: Discuss and Create.

The teacher will need to provide students with a variety of resources and materials that could be added to their original torn paper artwork.