Creating a Student Rondo

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Arts Education




Students will compose a song in rondo form. They will collaborate with a group of peers in the creating of the song. They will then perform the song for their class.

This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.


Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 3 - Music


Demonstrate selected musical ideas for a simple improvisation or composition to express intent and describe connection to a specific purpose and context.



  • Bar lines
  • Measures
  • Pitch set: Low So, Low La, High Do
  • Treble clef reading (Mi, Re, Do)
  • Middle C to high G
  • Ledger lines
  • Partner songs
  • Rounds
  • Ostinati
  • Theme and variations
  • Coda
  • D.S. al coda
  • Repeat sign
  • Fermata
  • Phrase/ phrasing
  • Pianissimo (pp), fortissimo (ff)
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette
  • Orchestral instruments: 4 families
  • Age-appropriate pitch matching (Bb3 - Eb5)

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians' creative choices are influenced by their expertise, context, and expressive intent.
EQ: How do musicians make creative decisions?

Skills Examples

  • Play a variety of classroom instruments with proper technique.
  • Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound employing breath support and maintaining appropriate posture.
  • Use pitch and rhythm to improvise vocal, instrumental, and/or movement ideas within a context (such as question and answer phrases or simple accompaniment/ostinato).
Reading/ Writing
  • Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to sequence and document personal musical ideas.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Demonstrate a final version of personal musical ideas using created vocal, instrumental, or movement pieces through performance.
  • Develop criteria to critique and refine selected musical examples.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 3 - Music


Present the final version of personally created music to others and describe its expressive intent.



  • Bar lines
  • Measures
  • Pitch set: Low So, Low La, High Do
  • Treble clef reading (Mi, Re, Do)
  • Middle C to high G
  • Ledger lines
  • Partner songs
  • Rounds
  • Ostinati
  • Theme and variations
  • Coda
  • D.S. al coda
  • Repeat sign
  • Fermata
  • Phrase/ phrasing
  • Pianissimo (pp), fortissimo (ff)
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette
  • Orchestral instruments: 4 families
  • Age-appropriate pitch matching (Bb3 - Eb5)

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians' presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.
EQ: When is creative work ready to share?

Skills Examples

  • Play a variety of classroom instruments with proper technique.
  • Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound employing breath support and maintaining appropriate posture.
  • Use pitch and rhythm to improvise vocal, instrumental, and/or movement ideas within a context (such as question and answer phrases or simple accompaniment/ostinato).
Reading/ Writing
  • Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to sequence and document personal musical ideas.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Demonstrate a final version of personal musical ideas using created vocal, instrumental, or movement pieces through performance.
  • Develop criteria to critique and refine selected musical examples.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.

Learning Objectives

Students will demonstrate selected musical ideas for the composition of Rondo form through collaboration with peers. 

Students will perform the final version of their personally created song in Rondo form for their classmates.

Activity Details

Students will collaborate with group members to create a student rondo that is cohesive which they will present to class members.

1. Divide students into groups and assign rondo sections according to the number of students in each group. For example, student 1 is section A, student 2 is section B, etc. You may also wish to have an Introduction and a Coda as an assigned section. The given website is a great resource for details and definitions of musical forms. You may choose to use it as a review for students or visual aide.

2. Give students parameters for creating their rondo. You may choose to give parameters verbally or written down. All sections must be spoken or sung and may include body percussion and movement. Section A must be a central idea, and all other sections must support the central idea. For example, Section A could be about the Zoo, and all other sections would be about animals at the Zoo. 

3. Give students time to create their compositions. Have students write down their sections and practice performing.

4. Have each group introduce their piece and perform for their peers.

Assessment Strategies

Use a checklist or rubric to assess student performance of rondo form using the parameters given in the activity.

Checklist example:

  • Rondo is spoken or sung.
  • The overall form is correct.
  • Sections B, C, and D relate to section A

If a group is not successful in their performance, give them feedback and a chance to correct their mistakes.

Variation Tips

I like to do a second rondo with the groups that are strictly instrumental using barred instruments and adding a parameter of 4 or 8 measures per section.

Background / Preparation

Review rondo form using given website if necessary.