Demonstrate movement and stillness using the basic elements of space, including line, shape, levels, and size.
Demonstrate movement and stillness using the basic elements of space, including line, shape, levels, and size.
- Elements of Dance
- Space
- Tempo/ Speed
- Energy
- Basic movement qualities
- Embody
- Body Pattern
- Shape
- Locomotor/ Non-locomotor
- Same side vs cross body
- Spatial Awareness
- General Space
- Personal Space
- Safety Principles in movement
- Space
- Prop
Essential Questions
EU: Space, time, and energy are basic elements of dance.
EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?
EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?
Skills Examples
- Explore shape examples: discuss what objects are straight. Show examples of said objects with the body (straight, curved, bent/ angled, size: big/ small).
- Respond to music or other sound stimuli with free movement that matches varying tempo: fast, slow, moderate.
- Engage in "freeze dance": respond to music or other sound stimuli through movement with varying tempo changes. When music/ stimuli pause, freeze in called out shape, size or level.
- Observe and demonstrate movement qualities, such as hard/ heavy or soft/light, smooth or wavy, and slow or jerky.
- Practice actions using varied movement qualities: stomp (hard), float (soft).
- Demonstrate same side and cross-body locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
- Display an awareness of physical space and apply principles of safety when sharing space with others in activities, formations and explorations.
- Hold hands and form group shape formations.
- Use locomotor movement (skip, hop, crawl, etc.) to travel in a group shape.
- Discuss how we use space safely. Practice using safety principles discussed.
- Demonstrate full body movement sequence through observation, demonstration, and repetition.
- Practice learned sequence of heel, together right and left, and marching in place.
- Practice and perform dance with others in the safety of classroom, gym or outside space.
- Use a scarf to improvise flowing or staccato movement.
Anchor Standards
Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.