Kahooting Equations

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area



7, 8


Students will use the Kahoot! response system to solve one-step equations and inequalities with one variable.

The teacher will be able to monitor the use of Kahoots as a type of formative assessment - through quizzing, collaboration, and presentation of content. Kahoot! initiates peer-led discussions, with students left on the edge of their seats.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 7 - Grade 7 Accelerated


Solve multi-step linear equations in one variable, including rational number coefficients, and equations that require using the distributive property and combining like terms.



  • One solution
  • No solution
  • Infinitely many solutions
  • Like terms
  • Distributive property


Students know:
  • How to solve one and two step equations with one variable.
  • Write linear equations given real-world contexts.
  • That a solution to an equation can represent a real-world quantity.


Students are able to:
  • Apply the distributive property and combine like terms to simplify an equation.
  • Recognize a solution as representing one solution, no solution, or infinite solutions.
  • Analyze and solve a real-world problem and write an appropriate equation for it that leads to a solution that can be explained within the context of the problem.


Students understand that:
  • Equations can now have more than one solution in given real-world scenarios.
  • The distributive property and combining like terms are essential to simplifying an equation. therefore making it easier to solve.
Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 8


Solve multi-step linear equations in one variable, including rational number coefficients, and equations that require using the distributive property and combining like terms.



  • one solution
  • no solution
  • Infinitely many solutions
  • like terms
  • Distributive property


Students know:
  • how to solve one and two step equations with one variable.
  • Write linear equations given real-world contexts.
  • That a solution to an equation can represent a real-world quantity.


Students are able to:
  • apply the distributive property and combine like terms to simplify an equation.
  • Recognize a solution as representing one solution, no solution, or infinite solutions.
  • Analyze and solve a real-world problem and write an appropriate equation for it that leads to a solution that can be explained within the context of the problem.


Students understand that:
  • equations can now have more than one solution in given real-world scenarios.
  • The distributive property and combining like terms are essential to simplifying an equation. therefore making it easier to solve.

Learning Objectives

The student will be able to solve equations and inequalities with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Activity Details

Students will demonstrate their mastery of solving one-step equations and inequalities through interactive game-based quizzes.

The teacher will need to create a Kahoot account by logging on to https://create.kahoot.it/. Click on the sign-up button, then create an account if you don't have one.

Once an account has been set up the teacher will use the URL to display the game code.

Students and teacher will follow these steps:

1) Have students log on to the internet and type in https://Kahoot.it

2) They’ll be prompted to enter the game-pin.

3) Have students create a nickname, which will appear on the screen at the front as they join - no student accounts needed.

4) Once everyone has joined, The teacher will need to press the  ‘Start now’ button on their device, which will then display the name of the Kahoot telling them to “Get ready!” The first question will then be projected.

5) Once they press the button on their device which corresponds with the answer they think is correct, they are prompted to wait until everyone has answered. The question finishes when everyone has answered or the time has run out. Then, the correct answer and results are automatically displayed.

6) The correct answer(s) is highlighted with a “tick” (or “check”), as the other answer options fade out.

7) A bar chart also appears, indicating how many students answered each option - giving you an instant overview of your students’ understanding, acting as a discussion point. There is also a button to ‘Re-show image’ which displays the question’s embedded image again so you can discuss the concepts along with the correct answer(s). Your students receive personal feedback on their personal device, informing them if they got it correct or not, how many points they received, their total points and which position they’re in. They’re also told how far they’re behind the next person, and who that person is.

8) Press the ‘Next’ button to see the leader board. The top 5 players in the game are displayed at the front, showing the top 5 performing students. The leader board is an accumulation of points each student has received in the game to that point.

9) Press the ‘Next’ button to advance to the next question. If it’s the final question, press the ‘End’ button to display the winner. And the winner is… The winner’s nickname is displayed in large lettering on the screen at the front of the classroom, giving them the kudos they deserve. This also displays how many questions they got correct or incorrect in the game. At this point, the rest of the students don’t have their final feedback - this comes after they’ve rated their experience.

10) Press the ‘Feedback & results’ button to get ratings from your students on the experience they’ve just had.

11) Get a complete overview of how each of your students did: When the final leader board is displayed, every student gets their personal feedback on their device; total points, the number of correct/incorrect questions and the position in the class they finished in.

12) On the teacher device, you can choose to download the results of the quiz. This provides a spreadsheet listing each of your students, what they answered for each question, and how long it took them. Correct answers are highlighted in green, incorrect in red.

13) Press the ‘Play again’ button to instantly play the same Kahoot again - your student’s devices will automatically reset to the start of the game. Or press the ‘Play a different Kahoot’ button to choose a different game to play.

Below is an additional Kahoot game for extended practice: 


Assessment Strategies

Kahoot.it is self-checking. The students will get immediate feedback as they compete with their peers through interactive play.

The teacher is able to assess students' understanding while the game is being played by the students. After each question is answered the teacher should have meaningful dialogue on the process and procedures for solving the various equations and inequalities. 

Students should be allowed to collaborate and work problems out on the board for clarity for those who are still having trouble.

The teacher will download the results of the solved equations in Kahoot and use it as a formative or summative assessment.   


Variation Tips

For enrichment or more challenging activity, allow students to work together in small groups and create their own Kahoots.

The teacher can create a homework challenge for those who still have concerns or just need a little more practice. To create homework, the teacher will press the "Challenge" button. This will allow the teacher to assign this Kahoot as Homework! The teacher will need to enter an end date and time of day. Then press the create button. 

Then the screen allows the teacher to choose a sharing option to invite students to join the challenge. The teacher may share through Google Classroom or through Remind. Once the option is chosen click the done button.

Depending on the option chosen the teacher can review the results by clicking on reports

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to ensure the classroom has the following:

1) Internet connection (WiFi)

2) Classroom set of computers, iPads, or smart devices. It is recommended students be allowed to bring their own personal devices.

3) Interactive Whiteboard

Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes