My Voki! My Expressions!

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this learning activity, students will create a Voki as a creative, easy-to-use tool that will help motivate students, improve lesson comprehension, and student participation.  Students will use a Voki to define key mathematical terms ( factors, sum, terms, product, quotient, coefficients) needed to identify parts of an expression.

This alignment is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 6


Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters represent numbers in real-world contexts.



  • Expressions
  • Term
  • Coefficient
  • Sum
  • Product
  • Factor
  • Quotient
  • Variable
  • Constant
  • Difference
  • Evaluate
  • Order of Operations
  • Exponent
  • Absolute Value


Students know:
  • Correct usage of mathematical symbolism to model the terms sum, term, product, factor, quotient, variable, difference, constant, and coefficient when they appear in verbally stated contexts.
  • Conventions for order of operations.
  • Convention of using juxtaposition (5A or xy) to indicate multiplication.


Students are able to:
  • Translate fluently between verbally stated situations and algebraic models of the situation.
  • Use operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation) fluently with the conventions of parentheses and order of operations to evaluate expressions for specific values of variables in expressions.
  • Use terminology related to algebraic expressions such as sum, term, product, factor, quotient, or coefficient, to communicate the meanings of the expression and the parts of the expression.


Students understand that:
  • The structure of mathematics allows for terminology and techniques used with numerical expressions to be used in an analogous way with algebraic expressions, (the sum of 3 and 4 is written as 3 + 4, so the sum of 3 and y is written as 3 + y).
  • When language is ambiguous about the meaning of a mathematical expression grouping, symbols and order of operations conventions are used to communicate the meaning clearly.
  • Moving fluently among representations of mathematical situations (words, numbers, symbols, etc.), as needed for a given situation, allows a user of mathematics to make sense of the situation and choose appropriate and efficient paths to solutions.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to create a Voki to read math terminology related to algebraic expressions (sum, term, product, factor, quotient, or coefficient) to translate the meanings of the expression and the parts of the expression.

Students will be able to create, write, read, and evaluate expressions through collaboration.

Activity Details

Students will be divided into groups and create a Voki to explain math terminology such as term, sum, product, quotient, coefficient, equivalent expressions, and simplify. The students may use the glossary in the textbook or online dictionary. 

1. Log-on to the internet to Voki website.

  • Select a Character (students will have a variety of different characters to choose from).
  • Select accessories to dress your character.
  • Select a background
  • Select color if you want to change the character skin tone
  • Select Voice - you have several options you can add your own voice via phone, microphone, and text to speech (text to speech will be automated). 

Once the students decide on one of the voice options.

 2. Collaborate with your group and decide on the definition for the math terms your group was assigned, provide as much detail as possible, and include an example.

 3. Collaborate with your group and decide who will present the Voki to the class.

4. Based on the presentations of the key terminology presented. Each student will do the following:

  • Create a google document to respond to another group's presented terminology by creating an algebraic expression related to the definitions.
  • Once finished the students will have to critique at least two other students' google documents. They will be critiquing the correct terminology usage along with verifying the algebraic expression is aligned with the definition provided.
  • The post must include positive feedback along with an example to further illustrate their understanding of algebraic expressions and the definition.

5. The teacher will monitor the students' responses and provide timely feedback.


Assessment Strategies

The teacher will assess students' understanding of key terminology through the group Voki presentation.

The teacher will assess students' understanding of algebraic expressions and key terminology from their Google document.c

The teacher will assess the responses to various posts to demonstrate their understanding in identifying parts of an expression, translating, and writing expressions.

Variation Tips

Have the group share and post their Avatar. The group has to respond to at least two different posts.

State whether they agree or disagree with the information shared. Tell why or why not? 

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to make sure the internet connection is available.

Have at least 4 to 5 working computers or IPads available for student use.