Fraction's Narration

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





Educreations is a digital white board where students can draw, narrate, and view different lessons. Students can create their own lessons or view ones that other people have made.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 4


Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a whole number times a fraction.



  • Whole number
  • Fraction
  • Non-unit fraction
  • Unit fraction
  • Fraction less than one
  • Fraction greater than one
  • Visual fraction model
  • Equation
  • Decompose
  • Recompose
  • Compose


Students know:
  • Models or equations to represent multiplication situations.
  • The fraction a/b is equivalent to the unit fraction 1/b being iterated or "copied" the number of times indicated by the numerator, a.


Students are able to:
  • Model and explain how a non-unit fraction can be expressed as multiplication.
  • Multiply a whole number times any fraction less than one.
  • Solve word problems involving a whole number times a fraction using a visual fraction model and equation to represent the problem.


Students understand that:
  • Previous work involving multiplication with whole numbers can be extended to fractions in showing multiplication as putting together equal-sized fractional groups.
  • Problem solving situations involving multiplication of a whole number times a fraction can be solved using a variety of strategies, models, and representations.

Learning Objectives

The student will create a drawing and narration about how to multiply a fraction by a whole number and justify their steps by using the digital tool Educreations.

The students will use correct language and its conventions when speaking in their narration

Activity Details

The student(s) will create a narrative drawing on Educreations about how to solve a math problem where they multiply a fraction by a whole number. Students will describe and justify all the steps needed to correctly solve the problem, have the equation written out in all of their steps, and include drawings to help justify what they are doing and explain their thinking processes.  

Background / Preparation

The teacher must have iPad’s, a computer lab, or individual laptops for students to use. They also must have a microphone for students to use if the technology doesn't already have one. The teacher should have the app or website already downloaded and pulled up. The teacher should also have the math problems they want students to use already picked out for them.