The Pringle Ringle

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area





This learning activity can support the development of fluently adding and subtracting within 100 to solve a problem using drawings or equations. This task introduces students to a problem utilizing a short video clip of a man stacking Pringle chips. Students are then tasked with analyzing the video and utilizing the information gained to make estimates and determine how many Pringles were needed to make the Pringle Ringle. This resource supports the development of fluency to 100 through authentic context and purposeful practice. This resource could be used as a formative assessment task for assessing fluency to 100 or as a whole-group engagement activity at the start of a math lesson.

Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.



  • One-step word problems
  • Two-step word problems


Students know:
  • addition and subtraction strategies to solve one- and two-step word problems within a 100.


Students are able to:
  • represent quantities and operations (addition & subtraction) physically, pictorially, or symbolically.
  • strategically use a variety of representations to solve addition and subtraction word problem.
  • use informal and mathematical language to communicate the connections among addition and subtraction.
  • accurately compute sums and differences.
  • use symbols to represent unknown quantities in equations.


Students understand that:
  • addition is both putting together and adding to.
  • subtraction is taking apart, taking from, and comparisons.
  • mathematical problems can be solved using a variety of strategies, models, representations.
  • variables represent unknown quantities when representing mathematical situations algebraically.

CR Resource Type

Learning Activity

Resource Provider


License Type

Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike


Text Resources: Content is organized under headings and subheadings