Interpret and compute quotients of fractions using visual models and equations to represent problems.
Interpret and compute quotients of fractions using visual models and equations to represent problems.
- Visual fraction models
- Dividend
- Divisor
- Quotient
- Equation
- Numerator
- Denominator
- Mixed number
- Improper fraction
Students know:
- Strategies for representing fractions and operations on fractions using visual models,
- The inverse relationship between multiplication and division (a ÷ b = c implies that a = b x c).
- Strategies to solve mathematical and conceptual problems involving quotients of fractions.
Students are able to:
- Represent fractions and operations on fractions using visual models.
- Interpret quotients resulting from the division of a fraction by a fraction.
- Accurately determine quotients of fractions by fractions using visual models/equations.
- Justify solutions to division problems involving fractions using the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.
Students understand that:
- The operation of division is interpreted the same with fractions as with whole numbers.
- The inverse relationship between the operations of multiplication and division that was true for whole numbers continues to be true for fractions.
- The relationships between operations can be used to solve problems and justify solutions and solution paths.