Creating a Persuasive Podcast

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Arts Education


6, 7, 8


Students will create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast.  They will research an issue of personal interest to form an opinion for their podcast.  This unit includes five lessons.

Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Media Arts


Generate variations of goals and solutions for media arts products, utilizing chosen creative processes.



  • brainstorm
  • research
  • investigate
  • film
  • video
  • audio
  • digital storyboard
  • Systematize ideas
  • Customize process
    • who is this product for?
  • move scenes or sound clips
  • rearrange images
  • change characters
  • tell the story from various character view points
  • Evaluate the quality of each part of the work.
  • customize for who is viewing/ listening

Essential Questions

EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

Skills Examples

  • Brainstorm with and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Upon choosing a process for creating the product, list many, varied, and unusual ways to work within the limitations of equipment and resources in the classroom.
  • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create proposal for a media arts production that meets the groups artistic goals. Evaluate the proposal with given criteria for purpose and intent.
  • After researching choose many and varied images and sound for a media arts production that convey a specific purpose. Modify the perspective of the images and sounds to communicate one's own meaning.
  • Assess a classmate's media arts product that modified elements and components of another product to communicate his/her own purpose and to a different audience. Use a provided rubric.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Media Arts


Explain and show how media arts productions form new meanings, situations, and cultural experiences.


Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Develop a rubric from personal taste and professional criteria to evaluate a media arts production.
  • Share with the class a vintage media arts production (i.e., PSA from the Cold War, etc.), and include the original meaning and message of the event along with its meaning in a modern context.
  • Write a paragraph analyzing how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and affect family life.
  • Develop a bibliography of appropriate media arts tools for 5th grade students to use in creating their own products.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Media Arts


Research and show how media arts productions and ideas relate to personal life and social, community and cultural situations.


Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

Skills Examples

  • Develop a rubric from personal taste and professional criteria to evaluate a media arts production.
  • Share with the class a vintage media arts production (i.e., PSA from the Cold War, etc.), and include the original meaning and message of the event along with its meaning in a modern context.
  • Write a paragraph analyzing how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and affect family life.
  • Develop a bibliography of appropriate media arts tools for 5th grade students to use in creating their own products.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Media Arts


Produce various ideas and solutions for media arts products, applying chosen creative processes.


Essential Questions

EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

Skills Examples

  • List various ideas generated through experimenting with combining standard ideas for a media arts product. Choose one idea to develop based on identified artistic goals and justify the choice. Use modeling and prototyping to share the idea with the class.
  • In a group, apply self-developed criteria for intent, resources, and context to critique the entire idea to presentation process of the group's media arts product proposal.
  • Storyboard a plan for a media arts product that serves as a PSA for a community organization, choosing stylistic conventions that support the narrative.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product by emphasizing specific expressive elements.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Media Arts


Explain and demonstrate how media arts productions form new meanings and knowledge, situations, and cultural experiences.


Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Create a unique media arts product in the style of an exemplary work but using personal experience to communicate a new message. Give credit to the original artist in the work.
  • Choose a media arts production that can be interpreted in different ways because of perspective of audience. Share and demonstrate to the class how analysis of this production can inform new knowledge and cultural understanding.
  • Write a paragraph analyzing how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of society through social media and careers.
  • Develop a bibliography of appropriate and free use media arts tools and components for 5th grade students to use in creating their own products.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Media Arts


Research and demonstrate how media arts productions and ideas relate to various situations, purposes, and values through community, careers, and social media.


Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

Skills Examples

  • Create a unique media arts product in the style of an exemplary work but using personal experience to communicate a new message. Give credit to the original artist in the work.
  • Choose a media arts production that can be interpreted in different ways because of perspective of audience. Share and demonstrate to the class how analysis of this production can inform new knowledge and cultural understanding.
  • Write a paragraph analyzing how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of society through social media and careers.
  • Develop a bibliography of appropriate and free use media arts tools and components for 5th grade students to use in creating their own products.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Generate various ideas, goals, and solutions for original media arts products, applying focused creative processes through divergent thinking and experimentation.



  • Experimentation
  • Roles
  • Jobs
  • Delegation
  • Beauty
Design process
Stylistic conventions
  • Theme
  • Unity

Essential Questions

EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

Skills Examples

  • List unusual ideas generated through experimenting with combining standard ideas for a media arts product. Choose one idea to develop based on identified artistic goals and justify the choice. Use improvisation develop a script/ storyboard for production.
  • In a group, apply given criteria for intent, resources, and context to critique the entire idea-to-presentation process of the group's media arts product proposal.
  • Outline a plan for a media arts product that serves as a PSA for a community organization, choosing stylistic conventions that support unity and theme.
  • Exchange copies of media arts products with a classmate. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation, modify and refine a product to purpose and audience for a different setting. Meet and explain choices in modifications.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Explain and demonstrate how media arts productions expand meaning and knowledge and create cultural experiences through local and global events.



  • Self
  • Others
  • Inform
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Exemplary

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create a toolkit for seventh graders interested in media arts.
  • Create a presentation of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Include local and global events.
  • Create a presentation of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social meme. Demonstrate the effective presentation of the effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal and technological implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Demonstrate and explain how media art productions and ideas relate to various contexts, purposes, and values.



  • Self
  • Others
  • Inform
  • Legal
  • Technological
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Trends
  • Power
  • Equality
  • Identity
  • Personal
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Exemplary

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Research for a media arts project by reflecting, interviewing family and friends, and reading scholarly sources and create a toolkit for seventh graders interested in media arts.
  • Create a presentation of media arts products that inform an audience about various cultural values and perspectives. Include local and global events.
  • Create a presentation of media arts products that inform an audience about the cause and effect of a current social meme. Demonstrate the effective presentation of the effect on cultural identity.
  • Research the legal and technological implication of music sampling in the music industry and create a media arts project that evaluates the court decisions regarding sampling and the effects on media artworks and artists.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.

CR Resource Type

Lesson/Unit Plan

Resource Provider


License Type
