What Is Flamenco Dancing?

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Arts Education


K, 1, 2


This informational material allows the class to read about flamenco dancing and identify the three parts of modern flamenco dancing: guitar, song, and dance. Students can dance along with a video of flamenco dancing and make their own castanets. 

Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Dance


Move safely in general space and start/stop on cue during activities, group formations, and creative explorations while maintaining personal space.



  • Elements of Dance
  • Space
  • Tempo/ Speed
  • Energy
  • Basic movement qualities
  • Embody
  • Body Pattern
  • Shape
  • Locomotor/ Non-locomotor
  • Same side vs cross body
  • Spatial Awareness
  • General Space
  • Personal Space
  • Safety Principles in movement
  • Space
  • Prop

Essential Questions

EU: Dancers use the mind-body connection and develop the body as an instrument for artistry and artistic expression.
EQ: What must a dancer do to prepare the mind and body for artistic expression?

Skills Examples

  • Explore shape examples: discuss what objects are straight. Show examples of said objects with the body (straight, curved, bent/ angled, size: big/ small).
  • Respond to music or other sound stimuli with free movement that matches varying tempo: fast, slow, moderate.
    • Engage in "freeze dance": respond to music or other sound stimuli through movement with varying tempo changes. When music/ stimuli pause, freeze in called out shape, size or level.
  • Observe and demonstrate movement qualities, such as hard/ heavy or soft/light, smooth or wavy, and slow or jerky.
    • Practice actions using varied movement qualities: stomp (hard), float (soft).
  • Demonstrate same side and cross-body locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
  • Display an awareness of physical space and apply principles of safety when sharing space with others in activities, formations and explorations.
    • Hold hands and form group shape formations.
    • Use locomotor movement (skip, hop, crawl, etc.) to travel in a group shape.
  • Discuss how we use space safely. Practice using safety principles discussed.
  • Demonstrate full body movement sequence through observation, demonstration, and repetition.
    • Practice learned sequence of heel, together right and left, and marching in place.
  • Practice and perform dance with others in the safety of classroom, gym or outside space.
  • Use a scarf to improvise flowing or staccato movement.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Dance


Observe and describe dance movements from a specific genre or culture.



  • Identify recurring movement.
  • Identify movements in culture dance or genre.
  • Utilize dance terminology to communicate.
  • Explain dance choices.

Essential Questions

EU: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
EQ: How is dance understood?

Skills Examples

  • View recorded or live dance phrases and identify patterns (i.e., Trisha Brown's Accumulation).
  • Observe an example of a simple canon.
  • Tap: flap, toe heel, shuffle, dig step
  • Ballet: plié, tendu, rond de jambe, chaîne
  • African Dance: hand waves, step touch, hops
  • View a recorded dance work and discuss what the dance may be about. Hypothesize the meaning of dance work (i.e., Alvin Ailey's Revelation, Martha Graham's Lamentation).
  • Improvise movement to specific music to evoke specific emotion
  • Explore and explain dance choices (i.e., Shaking hands to express frustration, holding heart to express love, pointing to ring finger to express marriage, saluting to express patriotism).

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Dance


Observe or perform dance movements from a specific genre or culture and describe or demonstrate the movements.



  • Identify recurring movement.
  • Create recurring movement.
  • Perform dance movements from a culture or genre and describe movement.
  • Identify meaning utilizing simple dance terminology.
  • Identify and explain movement to convey a theme or concept.

Essential Questions

EU: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
EQ: How is dance understood?

Skills Examples

  • Students create a call and response hand clapping rhythm and allow students to identify the pattern.
  • Students create a short phrase that includes a pattern of movement, then have other students identify the pattern.
  • View and/ or perform the Russian Troika, Charleston Bump, or Hoe Ana cultural dances.
  • Sauté to show surprise, melt to show sadness, leap to show happiness.
  • Identify the characters and describe the story in a narrative dance.
  • Draw a picture and write a caption in response to a live or recorded performance of dance.
  • Create short sentence that tell a story and have students improvise movement to describe the sentence.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

CR Resource Type

Informational Material

Resource Provider


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