Describing Fall Leaves Through Words and Music

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Arts Education


1, 2


Students will collect leaves.  They will sing a song about fall/leaves.  They will compose a B section for the song using instruments.  

Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Music


Generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities and meters.



  • Quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes
  • Strong/ weak beat
  • Steady beat/ rhythm
  • Allegro/ adagio
  • Pitch set: Mi, So, La
  • Steps/ skips/ repeated notes
  • Melodic direction
  • Modified staff
  • Line notes and space notes
  • Rhythmic ostinati
  • Simple bordun
  • AB, ABA
  • Legato, staccato
  • Piano (p), forte (f)
  • Classroom instrument classifications
  • Clarinet, trombone, cello, drum
  • Orchestral music: ballet
  • Non-Western music celebrations
  • Proper singing posture
  • Age-appropriate pitch matching (C4 -C5)1
  • Mallet/ drumming technique — hands together

Essential Questions

EU: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sources.
EQ: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Skills Examples

  • Perform original rhythmic compositions containing quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes.
  • Perform original melodic compositions containing quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes and using the pitches mi/so/la.
  • Improvise 4-beat melodic phrases containing mi/so/la, both vocally and on pitched percussion instruments.
  • Construct 4-beat rhythmic patterns using manipulatives, such as note cards, popsicle sticks, or blocks.
Reading/ Writing
  • Read 4-beat melodic phrases on a modified staff on which mi is indicated.
  • Notate from dictation 4-beat rhythm phrases using manipulatives such as note cards, popsicle sticks, or blocks.
  • Identify melodic patterns on a modified staff when played on a pitched instrument.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Create rubric for evaluation of peer compositions.
  • With guidance, apply peer suggestions to personal compositions. Select an original composition for performance.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Music


Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality and meter.



  • Eighth note, eighth rest, half note, half rest, whole note, whole rest
  • Strong/ weak beat — 2/4; 3/4 meter
  • Accelerando/ ritardando
  • Pitch Set: Do , Re, Mi, So, La
  • Five-line staff
  • Treble clef
  • Names of lines/ spaces (treble staff)
  • Melodic ostinati
  • Partner songs
  • AAB, AABA, Rondo
  • Verse/ Refrain
  • Orchestral instrument families
  • Piano (p), forte (f)
  • Crescendo/ decrescendo
  • Orchestral Music: programmatic
  • Indigenous music: Native American
  • American music: slave songs, colonial folk songs
  • Age-appropriate pitch matching (B3-D5)1
  • Mallet/ drumming technique: alternating hands

Essential Questions

EU: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sources.
EQ: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Skills Examples

  • Perform original melodic patterns in do pentatonic as an introduction to a known song.
  • Perform original rhythmic patterns on body percussion or unpitched percussion, containing eighth note, eighth rest, half note, half rest, whole note, whole rest, as an introduction to a known chant.
  • Create a melody on pitched instruments using speech rhythms from a selected poem.
  • Improvise with a partner in question/answer style, using pitched or unpitched percussion instruments.
Reading/ Writing
  • Notate speech rhythms from a selected poem, using iconic or standard notation.
  • Using music composition software, create an original composition based on a personally selected topic.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Refine compositions based on self-evaluation of a recorded performance.
  • Indicate dynamic markings for original compositions.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

CR Resource Type

Lesson/Unit Plan

Resource Provider

Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College

License Type

Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike