Jump rope using intermediate skills for both long and short ropes.
Jump rope using intermediate skills for both long and short ropes.
In this activity, students will be mirroring a partner while practicing their jump rope skills. Students will change partners throughout the lesson. A component of this lesson is the focus on being a good partner, giving appropriate feedback, and discussing the positive traits of a partner. As an extension, this activity includes a pedometer activity.
Jump rope using intermediate skills for both long and short ropes.
Display ability to work safely and independently for extended periods of time.
Listen respectfully to receive feedback from peers and adults.
Acknowledge others’ success in movement performance and praise their efforts.
Create and perform a jump rope sequence combining a variety of skills, using either a short or long rope.
Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in partner and small group situations.
Give informative feedback respectfully to peers.
Create and perform a jump rope sequence combining a variety of skills with a partner, using either a short or long rope.
Exhibit safe and responsible behavior in a variety of physical activity contexts, environments, and facilities.