Youth Vaping Prevention

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Health Education


6, 8, 10


Vaping has become a health epidemic for our kids. Nearly 8,000 kids start vaping every day, but parents can play an important role in preventing their kids from using e-cigarettes. Did you know that one vape pod can contain as much nicotine as one pack of cigarettes, which can harm the attention, memory, and brain development of children? With 5.4 million American kids already vaping, it’s important that parents talk to their children about the dangers of trying e-cigarettes.

“Talk About Vaping” drives parents to so they can Get Their Head Out of the Cloud and learn the facts about youth vaping so they can have proactive and ongoing conversations with their children about the dangers of vaping.

This resource includes videos and printable visuals that promote conversation about this topic. 

Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 6


Describe practices to avoid to reduce health risks to self and others.

Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 8


Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.

Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 10 - Health Education


Analyze the role of individual responsibility for enhancing health.

CR Resource Type


Resource Provider


License Type


Resource Provider other

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