Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.
Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.
- how to recognize the difference between a question and a statement.
- how to identify who is speaking.
- how to identify who is being spoken to.
- how to recognize the topic being discussed.
- how to rely on pictures, graphs, or charts to aid in comprehension.
Novice Mid Level
- identify the key idea presented by a speaker or published work on a familiar topic.
- differentiate between questions and statements.
- gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
- rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
- recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
- identify the key idea presented by a speaker or published work on a familiar topic.
- differentiate between questions and statements.
- gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
- rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
- recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
- locate places on a map.
- identify purpose of a brochure/advertisement.
Novice Mid Level
- effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
- the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
- other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Novice High Level
- effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
- the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
- other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.