Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Crash Course Government #48

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this video, Craig is going to dive into the controversy of monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary and fiscal policy are ways the government, and most notably the Federal Reserve influences the economy--for better or for worse.

Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 12 - Economics


Explain the structure, role, and functions of the United States Federal Reserve System.



  • monetary policy
  • reserve ratio (reserve requirement)
  • fractional reserve banking
  • discount rate
  • deposit multiplier (deposit expansion
  • multiplier /simple money multiplier)
  • open-market operations
  • federal funds rate
  • easy-money policy (expansionary)
  • tight-money policy (contractionary)


Students know:
  • The functions of money: medium of exchange, unit of account (measure of value), and store of value.
  • The role of the Federal Reserve in the United States' economy.
  • The 3 primary monetary policy tools: reserve ratio, discount rate, and open market operations to influence the federal funds rate.
  • How the 3 primary monetary policy tools impact the money supply and the overall economy.


Students are able to:
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the reserve ratio.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the discount rate.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of open market operations on the federal funds rate.
  • Determine the appropriate monetary policy to promote employment.
  • Determine the appropriate monetary policy to combat inflation.


Students understand that:
  • Money functions to increase trade.
  • Monetary policy tools are used to promote employment and economic growth.
  • Monetary policy tools are used to combat inflation.
  • The Federal Reserve has a role in controlling the money supply.
Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 12 - Economics


Explain how the government uses fiscal policy to promote the economic goals of price stability, full employment, and economic growth.



  • fiscal policy
  • Keynesian
  • deficit
  • crowding out effect
  • surplus
  • debt
  • expansionary policy
  • contractionary policy
  • multiplier effect
  • automatic stabilizers


Students know:
  • The role of Congress and the President in promoting economic stability through the use of discretionary fiscal policy.
  • Government spending and taxes act automatically to help stabilize the economy.
  • The two fiscal policy tools: government spending and taxes.


Students are able to:
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in government spending.
  • Determine the specific economic impact of changes in the tax rate.
  • Determine the appropriate fiscal policy to promote employment.
  • Determine the appropriate fiscal policy to combat inflation.


Students understand that:
  • Taxes and government spending impact the overall economy, both through discretionary fiscal policy and automatic stabilizers.
  • Fiscal policy tools are used to promote employment and economic growth.
  • Fiscal policy tools are used to combat inflation.

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Video resources: includes closed captioning or subtitles