Thermodynamics: Crash Course Physics #23

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area



9, 10, 11, 12


Have you ever heard of a perpetual motion machine? More to the point, have you ever heard of why perpetual motion machines are impossible? In this video, Dr. Shini discusses the first law of thermodynamics.

Science (2015) Grade(s): 09-12 - Physics


Plan and carry out investigations to provide evidence that the first and second laws of thermodynamics relate work and heat transfers to the change in internal energy of a system with limits on the ability to do useful work (e.g., heat engine transforming heat at high temperature into mechanical energy and low-temperature waste heat, refrigerator absorbing heat from the cold reservoir and giving off heat to the hot reservoir with work being done).



  • model
  • thermodynamics
  • entropy
  • convection
  • conduction
  • radiation
  • scientific argumentation
  • open system
  • closed system
  • heat transfer
  • laws of thermodynamics
  • work
  • internal energy
  • temperature
  • heat
  • thermometer
  • thermal equilibrium
  • average kinetic energy
  • kinetic theory of matter
  • specific heat capacity
  • conservation of energy
  • thermal energy
  • thermal conductivity
  • heat exchanger
  • heat sink
  • heat reservoir
  • isovolumetric
  • isothermal
  • adiabatic
  • cyclic processes
  • heat engine
  • efficiency


Students know:
  • How to recognize open and closed systems.
  • How to utilize models for understanding.
  • Temperature scales and conversions.
  • How to perform graphical analysis.
  • The relationship between work and energy.
  • The difference between heat and temperature.
  • How to develop models.
  • The differences among conduction, convection and radiation.
  • How to use evidence to support an argument/claim.
  • How the second law of thermodynamics applies to entropy of an open system.
  • How the second law of thermodynamics applies to entropy of a closed system.


Students are able to:
  • Develop an appropriate experimental procedure.
  • Create a data sheet.
  • Collect and organize experimental data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Make measurements using standard units.
  • Manipulate laboratory equipment.
  • Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
  • Communicate results of research.
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Solve mathematical equations.
  • Develop models to illustrate a phenomenon.
  • Engage in scientific argumentation using valid evidence.


Students understand that:
  • Heat energy can be transferred in various ways and used to do work within the limits defined by the laws of thermodynamics.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models; Planning and Carrying out Investigations; Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models; Energy and Matter

CR Resource Type


Resource Provider

National Geographic

License Type



Video resources: includes closed captioning or subtitles