Investigate collisions, both elastic and inelastic, to evaluate the effects on momentum and energy conservation.
Investigate collisions, both elastic and inelastic, to evaluate the effects on momentum and energy conservation.
- instant
- interval
- model
- graph
- position
- velocity
- displacement
- distance
- speed
- kinematic equations
- analyze
- intercepts
- vector
- scalar
- coordinates
- origin
- magnitude
- units of measure
- significant figures
- friction
- inertia
- action-reaction
- proportional
- mass
- system
- momentum
- impulse
- kinetic energy
- elastic
- inelastic
- collision
- conservation
- energy
Students know:
- Kinetic energy, how to identify other forms of energy, and have a general understanding of the conservation of energy.
- Momentum and have an understanding of the conservation of momentum.
- The appropriate units of measure.
- How to identify the system.
Students are able to:
- Collect and organize experimental data.
- Follow written and verbal instructions.
- Make measurements of velocity and mass using standard units.
- Effectively manipulate laboratory equipment.
- Interpret graphical data.
- Work safely in collaborative lab groups.
- Manipulate equations.
- Solve mathematical equations.
Students understand that:
- Momentum and energy are always conserved.
- Kinetic energy is conserved in elastic collisions, but is not conserved in inelastic collisions.
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying out Investigations
Crosscutting Concepts
Systems and System Models