Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Responsibility Launcher

Subject Area

Social Studies


7, 9, 10, 11, 12


In this interactive game from iCivics, students can help remind citizens that their civic duties aren't just responsibilities, they help get things done! Students describe ways an individual can contribute to a school or community, identify ways that responsible community members exercise their rights, responsibilities, and roles, distinguish civic virtue, common courtesy, respect for person/property, civic and personal responsibility, and honesty as important characteristics for citizens to effectively participate in public life, and evaluate how civic and social duties address community needs and serve the public good. This game can be played when teaching a lesson on civic duties and responsibilities for reinforcement or after as an assessment.

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    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 7 - 7th Grade: Civics


    Describe individual and civic responsibilities of citizens of the United States.

    Unpacked Content



    • responsibilities
    • duties
    • rights
    • privileges
    • citizen
    • alien
    • immigrants
    • naturalization
    • character


    Students know:
    • The distinction between right, duties and responsibilities. There is a way for immigrants to become a citizen.


    Students are able to:
    • Cite primary source documents to provide evidence that an idea is a right guaranteed to citizens.


    Students understand that:
    • There are rights, duties, responsibilities, and privileges of U.S. citizenship.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 7 - 7th Grade: Civics


    Describe how the United States can be improved by individual and group participation in civic and community activities.

    Unpacked Content



    • civic
    • community
    • political process
    • political participation
    • political parties
    • campaigns


    Students know:
    • Individual citizens and community groups can improve their community by actively participating in the political process. Examples of participating in the political process include voting; running for office; writing letters to office holders; being involved in political parties and political campaigns.


    Students are able to:
    • List ways to actively participate in the political process and in their community.


    Students understand that:
    • Individual and community participation has the potential to improve the U.S. society.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 12 - United States Government


    Evaluate constitutional provisions of the legislative branch of the government of the United States, including checks by the legislative branch on other branches of government.

    Unpacked Content



    • bicameral
    • Senator
    • Representative
    • checks and balances
    • congressional committee
    • Speaker of the House
    • Senate President Pro Tempore
    • majority/minority leader
    • majority/minority whip


    Students know:
    • Powers granted to the legislative branch by the Constitution as well as limitations placed on the legislative branch by other branches.
    • Roles and responsibilities of various offices in the U.S. Congress, including committee framework.
    • Process by which a bill becomes a law including informal influences on the outcome of a bill's passing and composition.


    Students are able to:
    • Classify powers of the legislative branch over other branches as well as checks on the legislative branch by other branches.
    • List in chronological order the steps by which a bill becomes a law while identifying at what points other factors may influence the ability of the bill to be passed, including lobbying efforts, as well as the composition of the bill, such as riders or amendment.


    Students understand that:
    • The constitutional framework of the legislative branch, as well as how informal processes and organizational considerations, have shaped the modern U.S. Congress.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 12 - United States Government


    Describe the role of citizens in American democracy, including the meaning, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship; due process and other rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States; and participation in the election process.

    Unpacked Content



    • value conflict
    • due process
    • majority rule
    • minority rights
    • civil disobedience
    • democratic society


    Students know:
    • Expectations and responsibilities associated with U.S. citizenship. Rights afforded to U.S. citizens as found in the Bill of Rights, such as free exercise of religion and right to a fair trial.
    • Means of participation by citizens in the United States that shape the political process, such as voting and protesting.
    • How equally important American values and concepts, such as citizens' rights and the rule of law, can come into conflict amongst one another, such as national authority and state rights.


    Students are able to:
    • Critique the rights and responsibilities of citizens as they come into conflict with other constitutional rights and responsibilities of the American government.
    • Defend one perspective in a conflict amongst equally important American values or concepts.
    • Justify a means by which a citizen can influence the outcome of an election beyond voting.


    Students understand that:
    • Both rights and responsibilities are associated with American citizenship afforded to them by the American Constitution and the meaning of such rights is contested in certain circumstances.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 09-12 - Contemporary World Issues and Civic Engagement


    Compare civic responsibilities, individual rights, opportunities, and privileges of citizens of the United States to those of citizens of other nations.

    Unpacked Content



    • compare/contrast
    • civic responsibility
    • individuals rights
    • civic/individual opportunity
    • civic/individual privilege


    Students know:
    • The definition of a citizen varies amongst countries, including the rights and responsibilities of such.
    • The rights, opportunities, responsibilities, and privileges American citizens possess.


    Students are able to:
    • Compare and contrast the meaning of citizenship in the United States to other countries.
    • Identify examples of and differences between the meanings of a right, privilege, opportunity, and responsibility.


    Students understand that:
    • The role of a citizen differs amongst countries.
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    Audio resources: includes a transcript or subtitles
    Graphics: includes alt tags or long descriptions
    Video resources: includes closed captioning or subtitles

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