

  • bicameral
  • Senator
  • Representative
  • checks and balances
  • congressional committee
  • Speaker of the House
  • Senate President Pro Tempore
  • majority/minority leader
  • majority/minority whip


Students know:
  • Powers granted to the legislative branch by the Constitution as well as limitations placed on the legislative branch by other branches.
  • Roles and responsibilities of various offices in the U.S. Congress, including committee framework.
  • Process by which a bill becomes a law including informal influences on the outcome of a bill's passing and composition.


Students are able to:
  • Classify powers of the legislative branch over other branches as well as checks on the legislative branch by other branches.
  • List in chronological order the steps by which a bill becomes a law while identifying at what points other factors may influence the ability of the bill to be passed, including lobbying efforts, as well as the composition of the bill, such as riders or amendment.


Students understand that:
  • The constitutional framework of the legislative branch, as well as how informal processes and organizational considerations, have shaped the modern U.S. Congress.