Reading News Online

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




Kids find and read the news in lots of different ways. But studies show they're not very good at interpreting what they see. How can we help them get better? Teaching your students about the structure of online news articles is an important place to start.

Students will be able to:
  • understand the purposes of different parts of an online news page.
  • identify the parts and structure of an online news article.
  • learn about things to watch out for when reading online news pages, such as sponsored content and advertisements.

Users will need to create a free account to access this resource. 

Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 5


Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.



  • validity
  • read a web address
  • publisher
  • domain name
  • extension
  • external links
  • history of a website


Students know:
  • how to read a web address to validate authenticity.
  • locate the publisher of a website.
  • use context cues to define the purpose of digital content.


Students are able to:
  • read the domain name and extension of a web address to identify type of digital content.
  • identify the publisher of a website.
  • use context cues to define the purpsoe of digital content.


Students understand that:
  • anyone can create digital content.
  • digital content may or may not be true.
  • every digital content has an author.
  • digital content has a purpose.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 5


Explain the different forms of web advertising and why websites, digital resources, and artifacts may include advertisements that may collect personal information.



  • web advertising
  • advertisements/ads
  • personal information
  • user
  • cookies
  • browsing history


Students know:
  • how to spot different forms of web advertising.
  • why websites, digital resources, and artifacts may include advertisements that may collect personal information.


Students are able to:
  • identify different forms of web advertisings using samples or live examples.
  • explain how a company or website collects personal information and using the information.


Students understand that:
  • advertisements are on most websites, digital resources, and artifacts.
  • websites or companies customize web experiences by collecting users' information or by tracking browsing history using cookies.

CR Resource Type

Lesson/Unit Plan

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Resource Provider other

Common Sense Media