Making the Grade: Understanding Accessibility at Your School

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science


4, 5


The goal of the lesson is to provide an overview of the accessibility barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 4


Identify laws and tools which help ensure that users of varying abilities can access electronic and information technology.



  • assistive technology
  • dictation
  • text to speech
  • speech to text
  • pen with recording feature
  • braille


Students know:
  • laws are in place to ensure access to electronic and information technology.
  • that tools are created to enable users of varying abilities to access electronic and information.


Students are able to:
  • state that laws are in place to ensure users of varying abilitiies can access electronic and information technology.
  • identify tools that assist users in accessing information and using technology.


Students understand that:
  • everyone should have access to electronic and information technology regardless of their abilities.
  • tools are available for all users to access information and use technology.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 5


Explain that laws and tools exist to help ensure that people of varying abilities can access electronic and information technology.



  • varying abilities
  • electronic and information technology
  • text to speech
  • closed caption
  • braille


Students know:
  • laws are in place to ensure that people of varying abilities can access electronic and information technology.
  • tools are available or are being designed to meet the needs of all users.


Students are able to:
  • explain that laws exist to ensure people of varying abilities can access electronic and information technology.
  • explain various tools such as text to speech, closed captioning, braille, apps, etc.
  • enable people of varying abilities to access electronic and information technology.


Students understand that:
  • laws are in place to ensure electronic information access to people of varying abilities.
  • tools are available to meet the needs of people of varying abilities.

CR Resource Type

Lesson/Unit Plan

Resource Provider

The Advocates for Human Rights

License Type

Attribution No Derivative Works

Resource Provider other

The Advocates for Human Rights


Text Resources: Content is organized under headings and subheadings