Independently volley a lightweight object with varying body parts.
Independently volley a lightweight object with varying body parts.
This resource provides a way to practice striking/volleying skills in a group setting.
Skill: I will strike the balloon upward using a paddle.
Cognitive: I will talk about differences between self and shared space.
Fitness: I will actively engage and work to improve my skill with a paddle.
Personal & Social Responsibility: I will safely move throughout shared space, respecting the personal safety of my classmates.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Independently volley a lightweight object with varying body parts.
Share equipment and space with peers.
Independently volley a lightweight object upward with consecutive hits.
Demonstrate moving in personal and general space while maintaining self-control, in response to designated class expectations.
Acknowledge personal responsibility by using equipment and space safely and appropriately while following the rules and boundaries of the learning environment.
Demonstrate volleying lightweight objects with partner.
Apply the concept of personal and general space during class activities.