Explain why healthy behaviors such as brushing teeth and getting adequate sleep are important.
Explain why healthy behaviors such as brushing teeth and getting adequate sleep are important.
Elementary-aged students learn to take responsibility for their own hygiene and self-care behaviors. Images of astronauts and space travel are ideal to engage the young learner in personal health content. This teaching technique is compatible with the National Health Education Standards One and Three. There are three lesson objectives. Students will: 1) Understand that germs spread infections, illness, and disease; 2) Identify practices that promote health and prevent disease; 3) Demonstrate good personal health habits including hand washing before eating and brushing teeth.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Explain why healthy behaviors such as brushing teeth and getting adequate sleep are important.
Describe ways to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
Show healthy behaviors that improve personal health and wellness.
Explain rationale for not sharing hygiene products.
List ways to prevent germs from spreading.
Describe strategies and skills important to personal hygiene.
Summarize methods that prevent the spread of germs which cause communicable diseases.