Attempt to dribble a ball with one hand using consecutive contacts.
Attempt to dribble a ball with one hand using consecutive contacts.
This resource is a basketball dribbling activity for K-2 students. This activity includes challenges. modifications, academic language, and depth of knowledge questions. This is a free resource, but teachers will need to create a free account to access the resource.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Attempt to dribble a ball with one hand using consecutive contacts.
Demonstrate the difference between movement in personal and general space while attempting to maintain self-control.
Dribble continuously in a stationary position, using the preferred hand.
Demonstrate moving in personal and general space while maintaining self-control, in response to designated class expectations.
Dribble continuously in self-space and while traveling, with preferred hand, demonstrating correct form.
Apply the concept of personal and general space during class activities.