Identify behaviors that impact personal health.
Identify behaviors that impact personal health.
In this classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia, students watch a video about getting and keeping fit in a non-judgemental way. When Arthur doesn't fit into his costume for the play, he's shocked to learn that he's become "husky-sized." Now he's serious about getting in shape. Will he turn to an all-protein diet? Eat only herbs and berries? Or will he try something really radical... like exercise?! This is a free resource. This resource also includes links to additional activities to use with the video.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Identify behaviors that impact personal health.
Explain how healthy behaviors impact personal health.
Describe behaviors that enhance physical and mental health.
Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.
Discuss the consequences of possible choices when making a health decision.
Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain and improve personal health.
Draw conclusions about the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.
Describe benefits of practicing healthy behaviors.