Computer Science Principles Unit 5 Chapter 2 Lesson 12: Loops and Simulations

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science


9, 10, 11, 12


In this lesson, students gain more practice using while loops as they develop a simulation that repeatedly flips coins until certain conditions are met. The lesson begins with an unplugged activity in which students flip a coin until they get five heads in total, and then again until they get three heads in a row. They will then compete to predict the highest outcome in the class for each statistic. This activity motivates the programming component of the lesson in which students develop a program that allows them to simulate this experiment for higher numbers of heads and longer streaks.

Students will be able to:
- use a while loop in a program to repeatedly call a block of code.
- use variables, iteration, and conditional logic within a loop to record the results of a repeated process.
- identify instances where a simulation might be useful to learn more about real-world phenomena.
- develop a simulation of a simple real-world phenomenon.

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Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 09-12


Demonstrate the ability to verify the correctness of a program.



  • compile
  • program
  • syntax


Students know:
  • proper syntax and formatting for a coding language.
  • how to identify coding errors in a programming language.
  • programs must be tested to verify that the desired task is executed properly.
  • testing a program requires a scenario where you can easily verify that the result of the program is correct/accurate.
  • a program can contain one of the following properties, but not be an appropriate program: correctness, efficiency, scalability and readability
  • it is important to have others review your code.
  • that to be a quality program, code must be correct, efficient, scalable and readable.


Students are able to:
  • analyze code for proper syntax and formatting.
  • create a test case with verifiable results.
  • execute a program with the created test case to verify program performance.
  • locate errors in programming by executing test cases.
  • work with others to review their code for correctness, efficiency, scalability and readability.


Students understand that:
  • programming languages each have their own required formatting which must be adhered to for a program to run correctly.
  • errors in programming languages prevent the program from executing its task.
  • each language has its own syntax and method for identifying potential errors.
  • code can be formatted correctly and a program can still produce unintended results.
  • a test case is vital to verifying that a program is executing a task as intended.
  • to be a quality program, code must be correct, efficient, scalable and readable.
  • it is important to have others proofread your code.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 09-12


Resolve or debug errors encountered during testing using iterative design process.



  • debug


Students know:
  • steps of the problem solving process.
  • how to identify errors in an iterative design process.


Students are able to:
  • review a process and identify errors in procedure.
  • rectify errors found in a process.
  • test resolution to verify that the process now runs as intended.


Students understand that:
  • errors in a process can prevent a solution.
  • resolving an error will allow the process to function as intended.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 09-12


Evaluate the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.



  • model
  • simulations
  • hypotheses
  • phenomena
  • target system


Students know:
  • how to explain the use of models and simulations to generate new knowledge and understanding related to the phenomena or target system that is being studied.
  • how to explain the ability of models and simulations to test and support the refinement of hypotheses related to phenomena under consideration.
  • that modeling and simulations are way to extrapolate and interpolate unrest situation and scenarios to help formulate, test and refine hypotheses.
  • how to form a hypothesis.
  • how to test a hypothesis.
  • how to create a model or simulation.
  • that simulations or models can be created to test a hypothesis but not provide the information expected or intended.
  • that it is vital to verify the data being generated by a model or simulation.


Students are able to:
  • use a diagram or program to represent a model to express key properties of a phenomena or target system.
  • research existing models and simulations and how they are used to test and refine hypotheses.
  • explain how existing models and simulations are used to test and support the refinement of hypotheses.
  • create a model or simulation to formulate, test, and refine a hypothesis.
  • utilize a model or simulation to formulate, test, and refine a hypothesis.
  • form a model of a hypothesis.
  • test the hypothesis by collecting and analyzing data from a simulation.
  • examine a model or simulation to determine the correctness of the generated data.
  • examine a flawed model or simulation and identify areas in which it is providing incorrect data.


Students understand that:
  • a simulation is based on a model and enables observation of the system as key properties change.
  • the accuracy of models and simulations are limited by the level of detail and quality of information used and the software and hardware used.
  • models and simulations are an effective and cost efficient way to understand phenomena and test and refine hypotheses.
  • models and simulations are way to extrapolate and interpolate unrest situation and scenarios to help formulate, test and refine hypotheses.
  • models and simulations can be the only cost- ot time-effective way to test a hypothesis.
  • Models and simulations can save money, are safer, usually requires less time, and do not have the environmental impact that a full experiment or operational test may induce.
  • while a process may operate without errors, that does not guarantee that the process is providing accurate data to meet your needs.

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Lesson/Unit Plan

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