Make Your Own Quilt Square

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

Social Studies
Arts Education


K, 2


In this learning activity, students will learn about women's history and making quilts. Students will make a quilt square in honor of a person who is important to them.

Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): KG


Compare cultural similarities and differences in individuals, families, and communities.



  • compare
  • contrast
  • culture
  • celebration
  • tradition


Students know:
  • Individuals, families, and communities mark special days or events in a variety of ways.
  • Cultures are celebrated in different ways.
  • Cultures follow a variety of traditions.
  • Vocabulary: celebration, tradition, culture


Students are able to:
  • Identify celebrations and traditions within their culture.
  • Recognize celebrations and traditions of other cultures.


Students understand that:
  • There are cultural similarities and differences among individuals, families, and communities.
Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 2


Use various primary sources, including calendars and timelines, for reconstructing the past.



  • primary sources
  • calendars
  • timelines
  • reconstructing
  • past


Students know:
  • How to use a calendar.
  • How to interpret a timeline.
  • Vocabulary: primary sources, calendar, timeline, past, historical letter, artifacts


Students are able to:
  • Read a calendar.
  • Create and use a timeline.
  • Analyze a historical document.
  • Utilize maps, photographs, and other visual historic resources.


Students understand that:
  • Primary sources play an important role in reconstructing the past.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Visual Arts


Create and tell a story with art that communicates about a familiar person, place, or thing.



  • Art
  • Artwork
  • Collaboratively
  • Collage
  • Cool colors
  • Warm colors
  • Elements of Art
    • Color
    • Line
    • Shape
  • Imaginative play
  • Play
  • Portfolio
  • Primary colors
  • Principles of design
    • Pattern
  • Printmaking

Essential Questions

EU: People create and interact with objects, places, and design that define, shape, enhance, and empower their lives.
EQ: How do objects, places, and design shape lives and communities? How do artists and designers determine goals for designing or redesigning objects, places, or systems? How do artists and designers create works of art or design that effectively communicate?

Skills Examples

  • Create two-dimensional artworks using finger painting, watercolors, paper collage, and rubbings.
  • Create three-dimensional artworks using techniques such as rolling, folding, cutting, molding, pinching, and pulling clay.
  • Work with a partner to create works of art.
  • Working in small groups, use recycled materials to create artworks.
  • Explore the books Why is Blue Dog Blue? by G. Rodrigue and My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss to understand color meanings and moods.
  • Read the book Lines that Wiggle by Candace Whitman to explore different styles of line.
  • Safely use and share scissors, pencils, crayons, markers, glue, paints, paintbrushes, and clay.
  • Use symbols to help tell a personal or make-believe story.
  • Manipulate art media to create textures and patterns.
  • Identify and use organic and geometric shapes to create works of art.
  • Show respect for self and others while making and viewing art.
  • Use the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) to create a free-style painting while singing the names of the colors.
  • Use patterns in designing colored stripes on the shirt of a person you know.
  • Collect found objects such as paper tubes, forks, and pieces of cardboard. Press them in shallow tempera paint, and stamp them on paper to show printmaking.
  • Create a T-chart that separates cool (blue, green, and purple) and warm (red, yellow, and orange) colors in different columns. Use the symbols of water waves for the cool column header and the sun for the warm column header.
  • Work with a partner to find colors, lines, and shapes in art and tell each other what you see.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Visual Arts


Create works of art about events in home, school, or community life.



  • Principles of design
    • Balance
  • Brainstorming
  • Composition
  • Concepts
  • Characteristic
  • Elements of art
    • Space
    • Value
  • Expressive properties
  • Foreground
  • Middle ground
  • Neutral colors
  • Resist

Essential Questions

EU: Through artmaking, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.
EQ: How does engaging in creating art enrich people's lives? How does making art attune people to their surroundings? How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and the lives of their communities through artmaking?

Skills Examples

  • Students compare, contrast and discuss how art can reflect artists' personal experiences or interests.
  • Compare materials and techniques in works of art using descriptive language.
  • Identify and share the uses of visual arts outside the classroom.
  • Teacher provides a diverse selection of artworks that represents different times and places for student viewing and discusses subject matter with students.
  • Recognize and respect cultural differences in works of art.
  • Compare and contrast Australian Aboriginal dot painting and Plains Indians pictographs.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.

CR Resource Type

Learning Activity

Resource Provider


License Type
