Professional Tools

ACCESS Virtual Learning

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ACCESS Virtual Learning (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) is an education initiative of the Alabama Department of Education. It provides opportunities and options for Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement (AP), elective, and other courses to which they may not otherwise have access or be able to schedule. Additional information may be found at

Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative (AMSTI)

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The Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative, commonly referred to as AMSTI, is the Alabama Department of Education’s initiative to improve STEM teaching statewide, including improvements in the individual, as well as the integrated, STEM subjects.  Its mission is to support Alabama educators and students in learning STEM through doing STEM.

Click here to visit the AMSTI website.

​AMSTI has three basic services: professional learning, resources, and onsite support. “AMSTI for All” describes the work of an AMSTI site in providing a menu of services framework to district leaders to discuss how LEA needs may be met by AMSTI's three basic services: professional learning, instructional materials, and educator support. Teachers are eligible for initiative training once they complete Foundational Training in the appropriate subject area. Teachers who attend training receive the designated resources and support needed for implementation. As funding allows, AMSTI services will be provided to both individuals and schools based on the tiered models of support described in math, science, digital literacy and computer science.

Office of School Improvement

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The role of the Office of School Improvement (OSI) is to provide differentiated support to Alabama's K-12 public schools and districts in implementing high-leverage, evidence-based continuous improvement strategies and initiatives. This comprehensive approach acknowledges that the needs of each region, district, and school are unique and that the support provided to each must be customized based on a thorough analysis of data and collaborative feedback from stakeholders. This partnership allows for more targeted support where it is needed most and will ensure that OSI utilizes its limited resources in the strategic delivery of services that are more appropriate and effective.

The goal of OSI is to build capacity at the district and school levels to engage in continuous improvement practices that impact student achievement, close achievement gaps, promote student growth, and increase the number of graduates that are prepared for college and/or career.


Alabama Technology in Motion (ATiM)

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Technology in Motion provides job-embedded professional development for teachers to promote the use of technology in teaching and learning. The program offers services, materials, and training that support teachers’ professional growth in effective teaching practices, the creation of technology-rich learning environments, and project-based learning.

Most workshops are based on individual needs for systems and schools according to their technology plans. The Technology Specialist will work closely to design sessions that will focus on various requests/needs. Professional development offerings can be

Teacher Certifications

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Teacher Certification is responsible for ensuring that academic requirements for certification approaches are met, background clearance requirements for professional and support staff are satisfied, and that all test requirements are met for issuance of certificates.

Request for ACT WorkKeys Basic Skills Assessments

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The ACT WorkKeys system from ACT™ is designed to measure and aid improvement of basic workplace skills in all kinds of workplaces, including schools. The ACT WorkKeys system consists of job profiling (finding out which skills are needed on the job), assessments (the tests you’ll be taking plus several others), reporting (telling you how your skills match job requirements), and instructional support (guidance related to improving skill levels).

 ACT WorkKeys skills are the basic skills needed to carry out job-specific tasks. As a teacher, you will often have to perform mathematical calculations, read memos, policies, and instructions, and write emails, letters, and other communications. In other words, you will be using the ACT WorkKeys skills of Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Writing